Design, Were you one of the brave Jw boys that were sent into a camp! I must read some of your post! Some times I feel just like you! Older people using younger ones! It takes a certain age to realize how not to fall for that one!
I think every one should get pats on the back! Your right acknowledgement and pats on the back makes everyone a winner and it just helps. A very good reminder, thanks. Your right about religion but some people manage better at their churches and have healthy lives. The teenagers some bond for life. They have activities all the way up to youth. It is hard for some exjws because we have been burned! A few times visiting churches it made me very much aware of what I never had as a JW.
OneEyeJoe, Boy! they sure did use every angle! Lack of JW girls! Well how many fine ladies that were not jws! It was the same with me at age 17! lack of JW boys! I barely dated! Oh yeah one needs to be evenly yoked! Lol. Father sure did use guilt trip!
Legacy An automatic pass at that! Do they even have to stand before the judgement day or are they too busy witnessing to the resurrected. Badge of honor being in Jehovah's organization! Have you ever asked any JWs," Why dont you question the Truth?" I might borrow this one! They will probably state that they did! Some probably will say that every WT study they questioned the truth during the answers and questions. I have pointed to errors then they say they need to ponder over it! Here is my favorite, I was not given decernment yet they could not understand the sentence. LOL.
Darth Frosty What! How easy was that. Asphinctersays? You got me!
Villagegirl - Although young I actual did not know much about other religions and really thought other religions were part of Babylon the Great. However,I got baptized for the wrong reason. You did hit a nerve because I thought I was protected and the JWs were a safe place! Without Jehovah I woukd no longer be protected. That concept took years to get over.
The question would be for a practising JW: "Why did you get baptized?" I really doubt many would say to follow Jesus Christ or that he has WORDS if eternal life. No doubt they might say," My baptism symbolizes my dedication to Jehovah as his son did."
As a reply what scriptures would you use to prove one should dedicate their lives to Jesus through baptism? I think that is a tough one!
Acts was a good one!