"Secret Marking and Secret Disfellowshipping"
What I have learned from my personal experience, Watchtower and its elders have the same mindset that of North Korean Dear Leader, Kim Jung Eun has. The Absolute Power with zero tolerance!
Until this very moment I have no idea what I got disfellowshipped for. I am not kidding. I was marked at least 3 times by 3 different local congregations in 2 years prior to my DF'ing. I have no idea what I got marked for each time. Can the neighbor congregation mark the publishers who's attending another kingdom Hall?(have you ever heard such?) Of course they can. They can do whatever as they go about their business. They can charge you with anything as they saw it fits into their agenda. The Watchtower is a malicious slanderer, a shamless blackmailer and a 3rd degree reputation assassin.
I've been following Menlo Park case and feel sorry for those former elders. I was/am in their shoes. My unsolicited advise for them in order to avoid much more sorrow is not to bother getting reinstated. They will not be reinstated at least for many many years. Collect as much evidences and witnesses on Watchtower and a Circuit Overseer to seek the civil justice and expose the Watchtower. Contact Mr.Zalkin(zalkin.com) or any lawyer who specializing in religious abuse.