If I remember correctly, it was...Nambo..would you belive!
Posts by Nambo
Is it me or is that ewatchman guy way too negative?
by Inisc inhas everyone heard of him, robert king?.
i occasionally have a look on his site, at times when im not sure what i believe.
i'm sliding towards atheism but i'm not completely sure either way.. the more reading i do of things of a scientific nature, the more i edge towards no god, but i like to analyse both sides of an idea.. anyway, whenever i read anything on kings website, it just seems he is a bit of doomsday cultist himself, i mean he has all these links to conspiracy sites, and all manner of negative scary articles about nuclear war and famine etc.
ex jw UK link for NAMBO
by bigmac inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/197364/7/ex-jw-uk.
Hi too Amelia,,
I will have a look, but will probably be too late as Iam working this Sunday, shift work so it will be well after 11 before Iam around.
Be nice to have a meetup at some stage, I work in central London. Mind you, Iam not exactly a social whirl, you would think I have Aspergers, thats one thing I liked about the troof, gave me something to talk about!
Is it me or is that ewatchman guy way too negative?
by Inisc inhas everyone heard of him, robert king?.
i occasionally have a look on his site, at times when im not sure what i believe.
i'm sliding towards atheism but i'm not completely sure either way.. the more reading i do of things of a scientific nature, the more i edge towards no god, but i like to analyse both sides of an idea.. anyway, whenever i read anything on kings website, it just seems he is a bit of doomsday cultist himself, i mean he has all these links to conspiracy sites, and all manner of negative scary articles about nuclear war and famine etc.
I was quite active on his forum some years ago, I got banned though, usual reason condeming Israels apartied state and claiming she is Babylon the Great.
I was mainly there for the fine brothers on his forum though, one of whom is allready a member here, those guys helped me see the Watchtower doesnt have the copyright on God, that he can be found elsewhere.
As for e-Watchman, I belive he still considers the JWs to be Gods organisation and agrees with many of its doctrines, but that that organisation needs a good cleanout which Jesus will do when he does come and that "judgement begins with the house of God".
If I remember rightly, he is one of the Annointed who got chucked out for not beliving in the 1914 date, (note to any actives dubs here, you can see why the real light of Jehovah will never shine through whilst the organisation takes such steps to eradicate it).
I can see a lot of where he is coming from, and admire his faithfullness to an organisation that has had him stoned to death, though not all of his ideas do I agree with. The identity of Babylon the Great for instance.
You're Never Good Enough
by Ding ini've talked with a number of jws who have commented that they feel like failures -- that they're never good enough.. if that resonates with someone reading this post, please realize that you are by no means the only one who feels like that.. in fact, the whole wt system depends on keeping jws feeling that way.
the gb wants you to feel that way.. think about it.
you are always reading or hearing about someone who puts in an extraordinary number of hours in field service or someone who goes out more than you do despite having twice as many challenges and responsibilities.
Proves they have no conception of Love, that they certainly do not have the mind of Christ. Otherwise they would realise thier tactics are actually counter-productive.
I used to feel so close to God, so gratefull, that I would come home from work, clean up, and go out on the field service on my own, I did it for God and it was voluntary, not for men as I didnt realise at that stage the societies position.
It gradually dawned on me however, via the societies teaching from the platform, that I must have been mistaken in thinking God loved me and I loved him back, I learned that he was a slave master who was never happy because I never did enough.
Funny enough, the result of that was my ministry went down, in both quantity and quality, I certainly no longer enjoyed it, and niether did Jehovah for it was no longer a gift I could give him, but a chore he demanded I do.
ex jw UK link for NAMBO
by bigmac inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/197364/7/ex-jw-uk.
Yeah, its rare I will pay to join a forum, but seems to be quality and with genuine good people though maybe a little quiet.
I was wondering if maybe I have put my foot in it a bit by posting too much in the way of my Biblical ideas before feeling if the forum was not that type of forum, but was more a recovery and social place that had had enough of God and the Bible from the Watchtower?
Perhaps you can let me know if I get things wrong.
Anyway, Hi Bigmac and great to meet you.
Jesus God Resurrected
by woman ini found this quote in wtbts publication, worldwide security under the "prince of peace" copyrighted 1986. page 144,paragraph 2.. .
"this jesus god resurrected.
do you ever recall stating that jesus was god resurrected?
Your reading it wrong.
THIS man called JESUS, GOD himself, RESURRECTED him
Did you experience classdivision while being JW?
by Cirkeline inwe all know how jw brag about their strong internal love.
all are treated equal no matter rank, color, money, status etc.
is this really true?
The JWs operate a Caste system.
As a single male brother, and just a publisher at that, I was one of the untouchables.
They even warned sisters in the Watchtower magazine to not get romanticly involved with the untouchable caste, but to only court Pioneers and Ministerial servants.
No wonder so many Brothers leave and there are so many single sisters left to face spinsterhood.
Don't know where to turn, Don't know who to trust
by BrotherPrince inno, not that prince, its just a username.
hey apostates, i've heard about these types of forums at meetings and such, never would've guessed it was called jehovahs-witness.net lol.
(excuse my shock, hope no one is offended).
Hi Prince, I am in exactly the same boat as you.
Firstly though, place yourself back in time, maybe to around 1850, before the Jehovahs Witnesses started, who are Gods people at this time?, when he hasnt suppossedly chosen his organisation yet, it doesnt mean he doesnt exist,
It is exactly the same situation today. Jesus didnt come in 1914, he hasnt yet chosen his organisation, but he will, and I agree with you that it will be soon.
When it does happen, the Two Witnesses will come for real, you will know who they are for they will literally perform the signs from Revelation, do what they tell you, then you will be in the right religion.
In the meantime, the right religion is Jesus Christ himself, he is the cornerstone, read the Bible, pray to him, go directly to the High Priest and King, you dont need an extra intermediatary of men, you go diectly to Jesus, that is what he gave his life for, he is the mediator between God and Men, not the Watchtower.
That round red thing, would that be HAL from 2001?
The girl with the long black hair reminds me of the Japanese horror, "The Ring" I think.
Christians fleeing the birth place of Christianity, I find that odd.
by jam inwatching 60 min.
last nite it appears that christians are.
fleeing the holy land (jerusalem), because it is not safe.. among christians there is the popular fascination that the.
Just as the JWs get things wrong through an incomplete knowledge of the Bible, History and current world affairs, so does the rest of Christianity, especially Christian Zionists whose hands must by now be dripping with Arabic blood.
The Temple in Ezekiel is not one that will be built by Human hands, at least not by hands that reject the Christ as the "Jews" do for Jesus river of water of life emits from it.
Those "Jews" who have taken over Palestine are not even Jews, they are Khazars who converted to Judaism 700 years after God ended that religion, that is why most of the ruling Jewish Elite look more like desendants of Japath than Shem, there is probably more Abrahamic DNA in the persecuted Palestinians than the Israelis. Rev 2 v 9 I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews but are not, but are a synagogue if Satan.
You will find all the descriptions of Babylon the Great fit Jerusalem and the Jewish world bankers far more than they fit Rome and the empire of false religion, especially if you compare Matthew 23 with the last verse of Revelation 18.
It is no suprise therefore that she who has the blood of Christians in her skirts should be an inhospitable place for Christians today.