I did read an account somewhere that quoted all the Watchtower and yearbook quotes through the years on the number of Witnesses that where incarserated and murdered by the Nazis, unless the account was an outright lie, is seems the number of Witnesses involved changed so much over the years to bring the whole affair into some form of doubt as to what really occurred.
Posts by Nambo
JW's Stand Firm - question
by Haelcer inin yearbook - 1998 we can read:.
*** yb98 p. 46 ***.
a study guide and a 28-minute classroom version of the video jehovahs witnesses stand firm against nazi assault have been produced to assist educators in teaching about the events surrounding the holocaust.. anyone knows what is this?.
Mentality of young CO
by Vidqun inthis time it was the co that came round with a young elder in tow.
from our discussion a few points stand out.
i carefully explained why i believe the gb has comitted spiritual immorality by hobnobbing with the un.
Whats the scripture about the end result of people who would rather belive a lie?
It saddened me when a local friend and group leader bumped into me and I told him about the UN/NGO business and he said he refuses to belive it.
If you still see the CO, regarding his wife, you might suggest she try Apricot kernals, and Marijuana oil, (Google them with reference to cancer), not for a minute though would I expect a practicing Dub to actualy question and go against Satans worlds medical and pharmaceutical industry and instead use the natural medicines God himself has provided.
As for Lemmings, according to Snopes it is true that the lovely family orientated Walt Disney company, actually drove those Lemmings over a cliff to thier death in order to make a more exciting documentary.
Witness Lurkers- A Simple Question
by mrquik inas you are willing to sacrifice not only your life but the lives of your loved ones, what concrete proof do you have that you are the one true religion, led by jesus christ & guided by jehovah's holy spirit?.
"You will know my people by the love they have amongst themselves", (or somesuch), guess that rules out the Witnesses then, even when they have said Love, they arnt allowed to actually demonstrate it in case they all have sex with each other or some such nonsense.
"My people will know my name", is an identifying scripture, well the JWs admit Gods name is more likely to be Yahwey so why are they then using the name Jehovah?
jw's who are reluctant to wittness
by londonlady ini was walking through a busy part of london this morning at 8am, the mainstreets were full of commuters and workers on their way to begin their day.
of course out in full force were the cheaply dressed jw young pioneers.
all sporting battered cases and a wodge of mags in hand.
Hey Londonlady, you didnt finish replying to your "Any south Londoners here" thread.
I work in Westminster myself.
This *has* to be from an "Awake!", right!?
by tomrobbins in.
it was posted on that icanhascheezeburger site.... at first it didn't load all the way as i was surfing their site (slow internet at my house), but the font of the title question struck me as reeeally familiar and i kept clicking on refresh to see the rest of the image... good lord.. he's got hella mexican wool blankets though.
i'd invite him to my party.. .
I would sometimes get Lonely but found all I needed to do was read the Watchtower, and my loneliness would just evaporate.
Same as when I felt the need to Masterbate, I would just reach for the nearest Watchtower, and be so enthralled that sex would just seem boring in comparison.
It really is an amazing cure all.
8/15/12 WT--Naughty Elder's Wife Teaches Students "The Deep Things of God"
by sd-7 inpage 28, paragraph 13:.
"an improper romantic relationship could develop within the congregation.
daniel and his wife, sarah, were regular pioneers.
In the New System, there will be compounds, Brothers will be in one, and Sisters in another, and they will never be allowed to meet.
Only Elders will be permitted access to both compounds, especially single ones who might be looking for a wife.
For the rest of us, there will be no marrying as we will be like Angels, so no point in even seeing the opposite sex.
All brothers will live in dormitories, at night, Elders will patrol these dormitories to ensure all Brothers are sleeping with their hands on the ouside of the bedsheets.
It will be a real Paradise.
The world ends on May 27, 2012....
by pseudoxristos inor so says ronald weinland;.
may 27, 2012april 29, 2012. as readers of this site know, may 27, 2012, is the time that i have stated as being the date jesus christ will return as king of kings over all government on this earth.
for such an event to come to pass, the trumpets of revelation must all sound, the united states and dollar collapse, the ten nations of europe arise to fulfill the final revival of the holy roman empire, and russia with china must unite against europe in wwiii.. .... http://www.ronaldweinland.com/.
Actually, the world ended on 11th March 2011,
its not an instantaneous process mind.
Beer tastes yucky
by mrsjones5 ini've tried and tried to like beer but i just can't.
if that sounds juvenile (with is really funny cuz i'm soon to be 47) so be it.
my hubby, on the other hand, loves beer and ale especially wheat beers.
On a really hot day, take your German Wheat beer, put it in the freezer for a while until it becomes a slush, then drink that, very nice.
Ushers 4 seasons is a very nice beer, shame Tesco didnt stock it for long.
I like a nice heavy Porter.
Is this summation of the JW preaching work fair?
by nicolaou in.
"if you consistently reject our message you will deserve the death our god brings upon you"..
Well done "the crushed", I would imagine this includes rather a large portion of JWs, I actually like JWs, just the religion thats bad.
Towards the end of my preaching days, I strated to figure, maybe it was better for people if I didnt warn them, that way, if they died before the big "A", they would get a resurrection, whereas, if I warned them first, they wouldnt take any notice any way, as nobody does, but then when they die before the big "A", they dont get the resurrection.
So I figured out it was more life saving to not preach to them in the first place.
I'm looking forward to the responses
by wolfman85 inas many of you know i don't speak english well.
i posted a topic that nobody answered.
I belive Christians will be taken to Israel, once God cleans it of the Synogoge of Satan, Eziekiels third temple gets built and from which flows the river of life, and that their will still be non Christians living in the rest of the world, these will be the ones who try to attack the Holy city at the end of the 1000 years.
If all Christians lived in Heaven, who would the nations of the Earth be able to attck the Holy City?