I think it would be more in keeping with the ideology of the Olympic torch if they drove it here from Greece in a Volkwagon.
Posts by Nambo
Olympic Torch comes to town
by ballistic inso the olympic torch came by the other day, and who did we stand next to by accident to watch and celebrate, but a jehovah's witness couple.. now, even i know that the olympics is pagan in origin, and was for the greek gods so what are jehovah's witnesses doing celebrating it?.
the lady even had what appeared to be her book bag with her.. this makes the not celebrating of birthdays very hypocrytical..
The reason I just can't believe in god
by jambon1 infor the first time in ages though, i actually re-evaluated my position on god/wt.. i had attended a few funerals in the spring and had also reignited some friendships with people from the hall.
but actually, i just keep going round in circles in my mind.
i cannot back an organisation with such a flawed past and one that endorses such policies as shunning & blood.
Yes, the Holocaust, Ive not long finished reading the following book, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine", written by a Jew
In the book, the Author recounts how in 1948, just 3 years after thier persecutions, the Jews where rounding up Palestinian men and boys aged 10 and over, getting them to dig pits, then kneel in front of them, then shoot them in the back of the head.
"Never again" I belive is their motto, if you only concentrate on the Jewish sufferings, you will miss out on even worst horrors committed by the likes of Stalins Russia, and even British bomber commands actions resulted in far worst suffering for babies in their Mothers arms than being quickly shot in the back of the head.
You will find such horrors commited by men all over the world and all over time.
So, what of God?
What should he have done for instance in the cases of men of one culture shooting people of another in the back of the head?
Suggestions and thier consequences eagerly awaited.
Anyone care to guess the age of this baptismal candidate?
by cedars inthis picture appears on page 30 of the latest october 15th 2012 watchtower in an article discussing the importance of sticking to our baptismal vows..... .
anyone care to guess how young this poor chap is?.
Trick question!
You only have to compare the faces of the three in the front with the rest of the attendees to see they are stuffed.
Taxidermists never seem to get the mouth expression realistic, and those glass eyes are a real giveaway.
Did you pick-up many people for the meetings??
by karter ini was a regular taxi for alot of people.. we (wife & family) pick up one sister and her 2 children for many years ...he husband had walked out on her and we did'nt mind.. however when we were asked by the cobe wife to pick up and elderly and infermed bro a 3 day assembly (we had 3 young children) i said no.. we pased her and her daughter traviling alone to the assembly.. .
So there was this old lady who came in the truth and got baptised aged around 90 I think. Some here might remember her Baptism at Hayes Bridge.
She used to allways get a lift from a nearby family except when they where away then I would travel in the opposite direction from the KH to go get her as I was the next nearest Dub.
So, I had been given instructions to pick her up for say a week, then the nearby family would be back and pick her up on the Thursday.
However, on leaving myself that next Thursday, I had the nagging feeling of uncertainty that said family would be picking her up, so I changed direction and drove to her house just to be sure.
There she was indeed, standing in the dark on her street corner, eyes closed, hands together pointing at the sky, praying to Jehovah to send somebody to pick her up.
She was completley unsuprised that I had turned up, she was so confident that Jehovah would answer her prayer.
I've been enlightened.
by Emery inive been lurking for quite sometime and now feel the need to come and noob it up.
it's taken a lot to bring me to read anything critical of the wts.
i used to glance at these apostate sites and shutter in fear because of the obvious demonic venom that can be found :) i am still an active witness and have been in this struggle to stay both in and be removed mentally from this organization.
About the only thing I could never really convince myself to belive, was the Borgs interpretation of Daniel 12v12 to be some assembly hardly anyone alive even remembers, yet they had to use that assembly because nothing else happened within the timeframe required to fit in with thier claim to have been persecuted and chosen in 1919.
Its so obvious that the 3 1/2 year persecution will happen to all Christians at the same time as the 3 1/2 year reign of the Global Government that will kill all those who refuse to take the mark of the Beast, when ever did that happen in 1918?
Old People ask....?
by dreamgolfer inthis is wide open for all - lets have fun!.
i will start -.
question # 1) why dont my children come see me any more?.
I did just as you told me to in the "Young People Ask" book all those years ago, I never masterbated, just lived all these years in a state of constant sexual arousal, so why have I now got Prostate cancer?
The start of Armageddon
by Armageddon-Messenger in<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } p { margin-bottom: 0.08in } a:link { so-language: zxx } --> hi everyone:.
i am armageddon messenger, the one that jesus said he would send to tell "you" the things coming.-john 16:12-14. .
as it should be expected, the governing body of jw's are not willing and will not accept me as a "prophet" because according to them, jehovah only communicates trough them.... .
I though it was the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation 11 that fullfilled your claim?
Or are you one of the Two Witnesses?
If so, verse 6 says you have the power to stop it raining, well here in England its been raining every day since April, I got soaked at the weekend when I went camping, any chance you could stop it raining now please so we can have a bit of summer?
My last cong, an Elder from the platform stated that after sex, a married couple must have a shower and change the bed linen, no rolling over and going to sleep there guys!
My previous cong, a least one Elder was of the opinion that if you courted a Sister, you had to marry her.
Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you
by jam inin proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
I wish my Mother had spared the "rod", she only ever hit me the once, trouble is, the "rod" she used was my "Secret Sam Rifle"
it never fired straight after that.
It was my stepfather who liked the rod, and the mental cruelty he could inflict with it, he would give me sixpence to go down the hardware shop to buy a stick so he could beat me with it, this is quite frighteming for a 4 or 5 year old boy.
In the end, the most effective physical assault child training I recieved was at my own hands, I was so fed up with myself for saying something that would cause my stepfather to kick me in the stomach or smash his fist in the side of my head, that when I was alone in my room, I would repeatedly punch myself in the face whilst telling myself, "dont talk, dont ever talk" and I would punch away to drive that message home.
It worked so well that I went from being "the most popular boy in class", to an adult who finds it extremely difficult to have even small talk with others.
How have you fared since leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses?
by God_Delusion inhowdy guys and gals!.
personally, my life has been fantastic.
it's like a massive weight has been lifted off of me, especially when it comes to having to go to the meetings.
My relationship with God is better as I have been able to discard the Watchtowers propogander that Jehovah only likes perfect people which I never was.
However, it doesnt bring back the attractive years of my life during which I turned away many "worldly girls" for the "truth", now that I am free, my advanced years deter the prospect of ever knowing the only path to real happiness, which is a wife you Love, Children, family, and a feeling of belonging.
That hope I still could cling onto in the "truth" whereas now I know it is gone for good.