Hi and welcome Konceptual, Iam in the UK, was in the Hayesbridge Circuit, or District?, and lived in the Peaks for a few years as well.
Great to see you dont want to throw the baby out with the bathwater as most here seem to have done, though isnt that the point of religions?, to turn men away from God?
If your happy enough, stay in!, wish I could but they would want me to lie to them before taking me back.
Just make sure to stay right with Jehovah, then it doesnt matter what religion you are in, its quite difficult to maintain that relationship without any peer pressure you know.
What I would advise is, read John chapter 6 with an open mind where Jesus himself states you wont get everlasting life if you dont eat his flesh and drink his blood, so make sure you do do it when you get home.
On the field service, just relate the things you do know are right about God and leave out the JW doctrines of men.