Hi there little lamb
I am here because my Son and his family are Jws,and i am indirectly controlled by the WT i have 2 beautiful grandsons whos lives could be blown out if ever they need blood transfusions,What then little lamb,i come here once in awhile and have found people on this forum to be good honest people,i see how they are hurting and how they struggle whether in or out of the Borg and i care a great deal.
Do i want my Son and Grandsons out of the Borg,
Posts by QCA1
this website
by little_lamb_on_a_hill ini just stumbled onto this website whilst messing about on the internet and i've taken exception to quite a lot of what i've seen here.
incase you think i'm some irate jehovah's witness idiot who's been offended by the terrible blasphemy that he's read on here, i'm not.
i was raised a jw, but now i'm not one.. first of all, given the url, i thought this website was in some way affiliated with the jehovah's witness organization, whereas in reality it seems from the posts i've read that most people here are either former jehovah's witnesses or soon-to-be former jehovah's witnesses.
BBC investigates JW's
by anglise indoes anyone know anymore about this in the uk?.
major news and updates from paul kevin.
the bbc in england are looking for people to come forward who are, or who have been, jehovah's witnesses and who will tell of the abuse they have suffered by being involved with the watchtower.. .
Hi Anglise
I have been in touch with Paul Kevin
for quite sometime now,his story is very interesting,I wish him all the best in his mission to expose the watchtower.My Son and his family are JWS and i would give anything for them not to be,at this moment in time Paul Kevin and his friends have been mailing leaflets to hundreds of homes pointing out the dangers of this cult.
I can't wait for the BBC to put this together. -
Am I the Oldest One here??
by Undecided intoday is my birthday, born in 1936. that makes me 66. i can hardly beleive it.
i'm still in good health but know it's just a short run until something does me in.
i'm really thankful for the great life i've enjoyed, no real problems that i consider serious.
Lets change the years old to years young,who decided to coin the phrase years old anyways.Has for me i am 47yrs young and i bloody well feel it has well.
by wonderwoman77 ini was wondering how many of you engage in meditation and if so what kind?
i went to a new group today that does mindful meditation.
it comes out of a buddihist tradition.
Hello Wonderwoman77
I am a firm believer in meditation,there are plenty of books on this subject,go to www.amazon.com if you are in a america,type in books then meditation and numerous titles will appear.For me personally i take about 1 hour a day and sit in silence,sometimes i feel i want to listen to music,it depends how i am feeling.
Just curious
by outonalimb ini see that there is a plethera of jws here that have left the fold, maybe after reading some of these posts.
is there anyone here that was not a jw, but is now after visiting here?
I am here because i am indirectly involved,my son wife and granchildren are JWs,i feel under the control of the Watchtower also.
It is good for me to come here once in a while and talk. -
Paranoid about death and im only 31????
by master chief indont get me wrong im a really happy guy and live an exciting life but since i was about 20 iv always thought about how frightening the reality of death is it really bugs me ill give you an example im really young now of course and then i might walk passed a graveyard and even look at the stones and then i think that will be me one day.
but i cant imagine being dead i want to live forever and all i want to know is do you think the dead are conscious of nothing or is there life after death.
iv got this idea though see what you make of it, i think that r bodys are just shells and are life is in us and when we die we go to another realm maybe heaven etc i thought of this because angels can supposedly materialize in to human form and viceversa so what do you think people is there really life after death
Hello Master Chief
I read your post and would like to reply if that is ok.Death is a part of life and you cannot die for the life of you,i was told that years ago when i embarked on my spiritual path.The body is only a shell like a car with no engine,the spirit is the essence and it is that that goes on living,there is evidence always has been,the bible is only one book that has this evidence,there is another book one of thousands that talks on this subject,that book is called "THE ROCK OF TRUTH" BY ARTHUR FINLAY.
i wish you love on you journey
by TR inthis is and excerpt from the 2/22/97 awake!:.
members of the christian congregation can do much to be of support to both the child with adhd and the parents.
by being reasonable in their expectations.
Hi Amarie
My Grandson was only about 3yrs old and he had climbed on to the table in the kitchen and i think he hurt himself,out of frustration he said Oh God and his mother who is a witness came to him and knocked him clean of the table and then thrashed him ,my eldest daughter was there at the time and she ran home in tears to me and told me,i went down and told her if she lays a finger on him again i would report her,things were a little strained between us for a while to say the least,she said he mustn't say God like that,i looked at her with such sadness,and she said my Dad hit me all the time and it hasn't done me any harm,i said are you sure about that.
Not long after my Son his wife and my grandkids moved away from the area,I wonder why? -
Woman turns tables on JWs
by QCA1 inhello everyone.
i would like to share this with you.in the daily mail newspaper today there was an article about a woman who was so fed up of the jws calling at her home(which they have done for the past 12yrs)she decided to stop them once and for all,each time they called she told them she was not interested but they still came,so,the other day she went to the kh whilst there was a service and knocked on the door until someone answered,when they did they were not amused,the woman then started to ask completely irrelevant questions,she remained there for about 30 minutes then the police arrived to remove her,she went quietly and said she did it to prove a point.. paul gillies, spokesman for the jws in britain,said "representives did stop calling at homes if asked",he says "if someone states they do not want a visit we make a note and avoid calling",he also says that "we go to peoples homes because we are obedient to jesus's message,we want to spread the word of jesus and offer bible studies.if people phone our national headquarters saying they didn't want visits we would contact their local congregation and let them know".. i hope you don't mind me sharing this with you guys
thanks for asking me to join the personal experience forum,how do i get on that.
Woman turns tables on JWs
by QCA1 inhello everyone.
i would like to share this with you.in the daily mail newspaper today there was an article about a woman who was so fed up of the jws calling at her home(which they have done for the past 12yrs)she decided to stop them once and for all,each time they called she told them she was not interested but they still came,so,the other day she went to the kh whilst there was a service and knocked on the door until someone answered,when they did they were not amused,the woman then started to ask completely irrelevant questions,she remained there for about 30 minutes then the police arrived to remove her,she went quietly and said she did it to prove a point.. paul gillies, spokesman for the jws in britain,said "representives did stop calling at homes if asked",he says "if someone states they do not want a visit we make a note and avoid calling",he also says that "we go to peoples homes because we are obedient to jesus's message,we want to spread the word of jesus and offer bible studies.if people phone our national headquarters saying they didn't want visits we would contact their local congregation and let them know".. i hope you don't mind me sharing this with you guys
Hello everyone
I would like to share this with you.In the Daily Mail newspaper today there was an article about a woman who was so fed up of the JWs calling at her home(which they have done for the past 12yrs)she decided to stop them once and for all,each time they called she told them she was not interested but they still came,so,the other day she went to the KH whilst there was a service and knocked on the door until someone answered,when they did they were not amused,the woman then started to ask completely irrelevant questions,she remained there for about 30 minutes then the police arrived to remove her,she went quietly and said she did it to prove a point.
Paul Gillies, spokesman for the JWs in Britain,said "representives did stop calling at homes if asked",he says "if someone states they do not want a visit we make a note and avoid calling",he also says that "we go to peoples homes because we are obedient to Jesus's message,we want to spread the word of Jesus and offer Bible studies.If people phone our national headquarters saying they didn't want visits we would contact their local congregation and let them know".I hope you don't mind me sharing this with you guys
I Went in Field Service Yesterday!!
by Valentine ini must say i thoroughly enjoyed doing streetwork for the first time in my life!!.
it was really cold here in chicago yesterday,snow clouds looming in the sky.
about 10 am i decided to run home for my cofee break.. as i rushed down the main street,walking quickly,i saw 2 groups of jw's w/ their mags on the main street near home.. i haven't seen any around my territory since last spring.. humph i thought.. i double-timed it home,bundled up,grabbed my stacks of silentlambs posters and ran back to the main street.. i stood on the corner,several feet ahead of them and started saying hi to passers by.
Hi Valentine
I would just like to say well done,i wish i could have been there with you.In England where i live there is going to be a massive mail drop.I have been in contact with a man who has been trying to free his wife from the WT for several years,his story can be read on his web page at www.welcome.to/witnesscd for anyone who is interested this is an excellant story.He has appealed for donations to help print thousands of leaflets and post them through letterboxs around the country,i was eager to help as my Son and my granchildren are in this cult and i want them to be free.
God Bless each and everyone whose aim is to expose the WT