JoinedTopics Started by thomyorke
Interview with Artem Grigoryan, a former long-standing member of Jehovah's Witnesses
by thomyorke injehovahs witnesses do not need a search for the truth.
interview with artem grigoryan, a former long-standing member of jehovah's witnesses.
Book: "Demonic Possesion after becoming Jehovah's Witnesses"
by thomyorke in
do you heard something about that book?!
How about establish a bar (club or pub) for apostates?
by thomyorke ina name...for example, "franz bar".
menu: .
cocktails: light of truth, crisis of counscience, tears of a pioneeer sister, elderette.... shots: judicial commitee, i am anointed!, new understanding.... lunch: pioneer style, bethel style, beth-sarim de luxe (extra large).... .
One cute canadian sister
by thomyorke ini like her videos about self-injury and other mental and physical problems, that could happened to young people.... she say that she is an active jw and regularly visit the meetings and go to service..
but... what can you say about her wearing and hair style?.
it's cool, but it's "non-spiritual" style, not for "true" jw, isn't it ?!
A missing husband or wife.
by thomyorke indo you remember, in which "reader's question" was an article about cases, when a husband officially declared as a missing?.
(probably he is dead or captured by somali pirates...).
i remember, that article was very strange- there was stated that it would be possible to make a divorce.... but if such missed person will "ressurect", this couple must get married again!.
Please help me with this "poetry" - my english are very poor!
by thomyorke inmy colleague take a part in some contest of stories.. she wrote a silly story about her and her best friend (girlfriend?)...)).
it will goes to worldwide 'experts'...who dont speak english very well, cause they are from south korea.. .
if you can fix and adjust it into a beautiful english, i'll be happy!!!.
I need your advise))
by thomyorke inme and my friends have already organized "association of former jehovahs witnesses.".
we want to stand for rights of ex-jw's, and those who are still suffer in organization and almost blind.. now we make some interviews on a television, take part in some lectures about how dangerous jw could be, keep in touch with "worldly" relatives, who want to save their family members.... in russia we still dont have a kind of psychological help, hotline or office.
we planning to establish this.
Hi, everybody!
by thomyorke ini am from russia, and i've ben a jw for a 19 years of my life, since my early childhood.last 5-6 years that i spend my time in the organization, it was only because my family, close friends, and a girlfriend.i've been a pioneer for a 6 years, but my favorite kind of ministry was construction of kingdom halls!
(because there was a lot of humour, creative young people, young and pretty sisters, etc.
;)i still have very good memories about that period...nearly before i finally quit, i was disfellowshipped for a 1 year and 4 that time i 've reed a "crisis of concience" and "in search for christian freedom", and give those book to my mom,she already was inactive, and having a serious doubts.but i was too naive!i decided to comeback into organization- cause of my girlfriend and friends.and remain there as a "double agent" or a spy))i had to pass through all the way to be reinstated...when i 'came back', i had a bad surprise: the elders decided that i need to study some publications again,for my "reabilitation".