I'm a little struck by the comment that Jehovah is allowed to change His will. See, the Scriptures are His word (allegedly) and are decorated as the truth (especially by the WTS), so to change His will and not have it put into new scripture, wouldn't that make the current Scripture a lie?
The Society has spent aimless years in the effort to downplay the omnipotence of Jehovah by listing off the things He cannot do. Among them, He is "incapable of lying" (quotes cuz it's their words, not mine). So if He is George Washington and cannot lie, how can He allow the current Scripture to remain the same?
They would need some sort of alteration to the Word, like a REVISION of some sort. And we can't let the masses work with an outdated "God's Word," so I hope the Scripture gets revised pretty soon, like in this year. I sure hope the WTS with their blessed holy anointment (how can you not trust a word that has Ointment in it?) will come up with something.
Yes, this is a crack at that 2012 Revised New World Toiletpaper that's being worked on. It'd make sense they'd say His will can change if they want people to buy into whatever changes they make to the Bible.
Mind you, I'm looking at an article from the Watchtower.org's homepage about the reality of the flood:
5th Paragraph down reads:
"The apostle Paul wrote that God’s will is that 'all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.'"
So I guess this means some pretty bad stuff for followers of Jehovah if He's decided to change His will.