God, if S/He exists, has many names. To say one of those names is better or more important than the other is up to God Her/Himself and who can really know the mind of God/dess? Many of us have at least 3 names. Which one is more important?
JoinedPosts by QueenWitch
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-02-2013 WT Study (NAME)
by blondie injehovahs witnesses view gods name?.
gods people that he really would.
non-jews, became a people for [gods].
The Tubal-cain Class
by Londo111 inwatchtower theology is intent on the idea of classes, taking characters from the bible and making a modern day application that is nothing if not a study in narcissism.
there is the elijah class, the elisha class, the jehus and the jehonadabs, they even made a class out of the very obscure nethinim.
i was emailing auntbee and she had the idea of possibly parodying the idea in one of her videos.
+1 for Brother Londo's "watchtower" excerpt!
The Jezebel class - Christian wives who endeavor to take the lead "behind the scenes." We must remind them of their Christian duty of submission.
So apparently I'm now a Secular Humanist
by Oubliette ini was doing some research on the subject of beliefs and belief systems when i came across an on-line survey/test that supposedly helps you determine which religion or philosophy is most like your current beliefs.
if you're curious, you can take the quiz here: belief system selector quizafter answering the 20 questions the results were spit out!
UU was 100% at #1 followed by Liberal Quakers (#2), NeoPagan (#4), Mahayana Buddhism (#6) and dead last JW.
Interesting that I attend a UU church but I consider myself a Buddhist Pagan.
my evangelical christian co-worker is extremely "racist" towards Hispanics
by booker-t ini am getting so tired of my co-worker who is a "evangelical christian" constantly making racist slurs towards hispanic people.
i just don't get it and it is making me very uncomfortable because i wonder what he says about "black" people behind my back.
everyday he makes comments such as "mexicans" are dumb and stupid, "mexicans all can't speak good english", "mexicans have 50 million babies" and "mexicans are all on welfare".
Legally, he is creating an uncomfortable work enviroment for you. Try telling him directly that his racist remarks make you uncomfortable. If he doesn't stop, take it to your superior or follow your job's human resources guidelines for this sort of thing. Same issue if he was making sexual or sexist remarks.
Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG
by mindnumbed insymposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
"Apostates are not sincere in their expressions"
False. Conducting my own research, I've found that information on apostate websites used quotes from the wbts itself. We are indeed sincere about exposing TTATT. Why would we lie? We have been lied to, misinformed, bamboozled.
To compare a df person to an alcoholic or drug addict - well, even family members would shun them and would get them appropriate help. They would check up on them from time to time. But wait, didn't "Mother" say don't look for excuses to contact df persons???
What personal experiences have you had with 6th sense?
by Fernando ini was at work one day at a seafood wholesaler (some years ago).
there was considerable tension in the air.. another worker briefly left the workplace.
he could simply have gone to the toilet or for a smoke.. without seeing where he'd gone, or what he was doing, or hearing what he was saying, i instinctively knew he had instead gone upstairs to see a particular manager.
Sometimes when I'm thinking of someone I haven't heard from in a while, I hear from him/her.
When I used to call my mother, she would say that out of 4 kids, 2 or more of us would call or visit her on the same day after a long time of noone calling or visiting her.
Watchtower History in Haiku
by Leolaia inwatchtower history in haiku , by leolaia .
barbour and russell.
what a team, they alone knew.
so awesome! didn't realize it was old. still pertinent though.
Dumb line in Bible Study presentation in July 2013 KM
by Richard_I inin the july 2013 km for the presentation to start a study, this is the recommended presentation: "almost everyone prays at one time or another.
even atheists have prayed when in trouble.
do you think that god listens to all prayers?".
Assuming that one does believe in God, how does one go about knowing what prayers God listens to? How presumptous of the JWs according the quotes from Blondie.
Are you a dabbler in Witchcraft?
by StopTheTears inafter leaving christianity it's common especially among the young to experiment with witchcraft.
some get drawn into it by getting involved with earth movements and back to nature groups.. .
witchcraft is an evil thing.
No, I don't dabble in witchcraft, I practice it although not as often as I would like. It takes tremendous energy, something that I have been lacking lately.
Clearly the OP is trying to incite controversy. I love how all the Bible verses are quoted as if witches even believe in that book. And for those who may be seriously interested in witchcraft, please contact someone who considers themselves a witch. Not all Pagans are witches or Wiccan.
MUST READ: Books for Young JWs - a Required Reading List
by Oubliette ini've been contemplating a list of works of fiction that should be read by every young jehovah's witness, (12 - 18 years old).
the goal is to plant seeds of truth and critical thinking skills which could ultimately invoking cognitive dissonance and help them wake up to the truth about "the truth" (ttatt).
my idea is an adaptation of steven hassan's approach of not attacking a cult members beliefs directly, but rather indirectly by getting them to look at other similar belief systems and social structures, in this case fictional ones that mirror many of the destructive, oppressive features of jehovah's witnesses.
The Harry Potter series. Seriously. Witchcraft is not demonic and there's nothing wrong being curious about it.