That is so true James Brown. How many Jehovahs Witnesses take the time to read the NWT without doing research in the WT? I can't think of one person who read the bible cover from cover! I read several different bible version after I left the borg.
JoinedPosts by woman
The very WORST and BEST places to find out what the Bible REALLY teaches?
by Fernando inworst - religion/ists (pharisees, sanhedrin/gb, ruling religious clergy class).
best - direct from the source (our heavenly father, his son, the holy spirit, john 14:26; 15:26; 16:13; 1 john 2:27) by pursuing their full and counterintuitive "unabridged gospel" message to all humans (rom 10:16,17; isa 61:1; john 8:36).. next best - spiritually strong persons of faith (acts 8:12,26-40, especially verse 35).
your thoughts, suggestions, websites, videos, constructive criticism, quotes - anyone?.
Jesus God Resurrected
by woman ini found this quote in wtbts publication, worldwide security under the "prince of peace" copyrighted 1986. page 144,paragraph 2.. .
"this jesus god resurrected.
do you ever recall stating that jesus was god resurrected?
Flat_Accent how about "It's not just a god, it's Jesus God!
Thanks for your understanding!NWT makes it sound as if Peter was stating that after Jesus was resurrected he was called Jesus God. Clearly, it is obvious after reading in several bible translation that "Jesus God resurrected" is an error.
Jesus God Resurrected
by woman ini found this quote in wtbts publication, worldwide security under the "prince of peace" copyrighted 1986. page 144,paragraph 2.. .
"this jesus god resurrected.
do you ever recall stating that jesus was god resurrected?
It does not say, "Jesus, God himself, Resurrected him." That the odd thing about the words.
It states," This Jesus God resurrected."
How can I read in commas if there are none? There is NO himself! there is no comma!
What, did the WTBTS forget commas and God himself? That is a big error for the WTBTS. That is not something they would forget.
"This Jesus God resurrected."
So I am reading it wrong yet you changed the entire sentence. How?
Looking for words, phrases, ideology. WT vs scriptural
by blond-moment ini have a friend, who is compiling information.
he is not a jw, but wife is.
looking for words, phrases, ideologies that jws live and die by that are wt teachings, but not scriptural.
Becareful with brothers and sister who are at the Kingdom Hall because they might be:
"Wolves in sheep's clothing."
The Lord Jesus Christ warned His followers, "Beware of thefalse prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves (Matt. 7:15). The warning was important because Jesus later said to them: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves" (Matt. 10:16). The apostle Paul, with a deeply troubled spirit and in tears, penned a similar warning: "I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock" (Acts 20:29)
It has nothing to do with the brothers and sister sitting next to one another worshipping at the Kingdom Hall. Just because someone has a thought or a question has nothing to do with false prophets!
Jesus God Resurrected
by woman ini found this quote in wtbts publication, worldwide security under the "prince of peace" copyrighted 1986. page 144,paragraph 2.. .
"this jesus god resurrected.
do you ever recall stating that jesus was god resurrected?
I found this quote in WTBTS publication, Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" copyrighted 1986. page 144,paragraph 2.
"This Jesus God resurrected."
Do you ever recall stating that Jesus was God resurrected? Was there a change in the 80s to call Jesus God?
my DF-ing letter - opinions
by raxxxx into the body of elders in xxxxx.. .
i no longer wish to recognised as one of the jehovah's witnesses due to the fact that i no longer believe that this 'organisation' is truly representing him because :.
i have experienced greater and unconditional love/friendship with the people i am supposed to hate 'worldly people' than i did in this congregation.