JoinedTopics Started by noonehome
My appeal was successful. Now what?
by noonehome infaders: why do we bother staying in?.
we cling to some false hope that people we love will accept us despite our not believing, even though its as much a fairytale as the dogmas based on untruths.. ive never been anything but a good friend and human being and would do anything for the people i love; i couldnt dream of shutting out someone i care about.
and its not like theyd revel in the idea of doing it either, yet its seen as not just the only choice, but also as undoubtedly the right thing to do.
Why is shunning wrong?
by noonehome inconsider an example i often hear.
youre sitting at a dinner table.
the topic of conversation is regarding your mother.
I want it to be the truth, but I don't believe it. Unless I do but don't want to. Huh?
by noonehome inif i did believe, i think i could have what it takes to be what's considered a 'good jw'....being a missionary actually really appeals to me.
but obviously i couldn't live that life if i didn't believe in my heart it's the truth.
i'm young, and interested in doing some kind of humanitarian work... kind of a secular equivalent of "serving where the need is greater.
Can you choose what you believe?
by noonehome ini hear it all the time.. people who decide it isn't the truth and leave are said to deep down know they're leaving the truth, choosing instead whatever ideology suits their imperfect desires.
in the new dvd the little kid asks why people believe in evolution and the dad basically says people believe whatever they want.
the actual issue is never actually addresed though: "did life evolve?
Past couple years of being awake might be catching up with me
by noonehome ini was a little too honest with a super close friend who is one of the most important people in my life.
my mistake.
she talked to an elder about my doubts...i know she had my best interests in mind and i hold nothing against her.
Friend prays for me
by noonehome ina very good friend of mine has noticed my severe depression.
she knows i go / going through difficult times and have allot i keep repressed.
i kind of act bipolar i guess in that i can drop from high to low very quickly and dangerously.
Excuse needed to get out of talk
by noonehome ini work with the school overseer so he'll be with me all day before the being 'sick' isn't an option.
this really isn't like me to weasel my way out of something....but i've been ridiculously depressed lately and honestly i just don't have it in me to do anything let alone put a talk together.
everytime i do one it takes allot out of me and let's just say the well is pretty dry.
What would it take for YOU to come back?
by noonehome in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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Lot's of talk on the July Watchtower?
by noonehome inso i've heard lots of talk from within about the 'new light' in this watchtower...i'm yet to look at it in any detail.
i'm kind of surprised actually...i first heard about it here before it was even available but close to the time it did come out people started bringing it up - even our co.. some say things like "have you heard about this?
" or "big changes," or "allot of things they said we believed, i didn't realize,"(lots of that) or "brain-overload" or " too much information, but i've never felt more pumped up" or "it's soo exciting to see jehovah's spirit lead his organization..." or "it requires time to sink in, but it's a good feeling!