For Part 1:
For PART 2:
Just to bring you up-to-date, I responded to my sister's email with the following.
Uuummmmm.... *NO*
I did not write any letter to The Society, or the elder's.However, I'm not sure what difference that would make either way, again the official word is "Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned." which does *NOT* add the qualifier 'however, those who write letters to advise they are no longer involved with the faith will be shunned.' But it doesn't matter either way, as I did not write a letter.
Who told you that I wrote a letter? I would like to talk to that person and explain to them that they are incorrect, mistaken, etc. and warn them that they should not be "spreading gossip" which as we know, it not advised in the scriptures. I would really like to know who this was. But I digress.
The bottom line is "I did not write a letter". I hope that helps clarify things.
I love you kiddo, no matter what. Sorry if I sound cross, but it is frustrating when I keep hearing all kind of lies about myself.
Her quick reply was:
So then, tell me for yourself what happened. What do you consider yourself to be, for example, a non-practising Jehovah's Witness? Or what? Where do you place yourself within the organization?Love R*****.
To which I responded:
No no no... That last time I was asked by a "friend" to tell me what was on my mind I was pulled in front of a Judicial Committee to answer a charge of Apostasy.No, I will not take the bait in that trap. I still have the scars from the last time that (en-)trap went off.
My sister replied with:
I understand why you don't want to answer, so I won't press it. But I assure you, as your ever loving sister, that it is no trap. I was young when all this happened, and so was not informed as to what was going on, and now that I'm grown and I ask, no one will answer. I'm just confused, that's all, because I don't know what happened.If answering will cause you pain, please don't. I never want to be the cause of hurt to my family.
Love Rachel.
Now you have been updated. I am simply at a loss as to how to proceed, however I am inclined to just let the whole thing drop. I am clearly beating my head against a wall, and the bottom line is that even if by some miracle I could convince my sister that she would not
spontaneously combust if she invited me to the reception, the fact is my presence would make everyone else uncomfortable, and I wouldn't want to ruin her big day.
What have we learned here? Nothing new. However we have confirmed a strongly evidenced theory: JWs say one thing and mean something else. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. Phrases like
"Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned"
cannot be taken at face value. This should be understood as
"Those who have, according to our internal vocabulary, "fallen inactive" are, although spiritually lazy, are really still part of the organization and should be treated as such. On the other hand, if someone says "Hey, I don't want to be part of your little group anymore. Thanks for the bruises and you can keep the stool samples" they are the same as those who have been kicked our for adultery, etc. and have automatically become dispicable liars and spreaders of slander and hate against Jehovah......... and his organization, of course. (You didn't think we'd forget to mention Jehovah without mentioning the Organziation in the same breath, did you?
Or, put another way, we have learned that
there is no honourable way to simply cease to be involved in the faith[/b]. "We're sorry, but that option is not available.".
For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out: