My parents sold their house and quit their jobs in 1972.
In 1976 they got jobs and bought another house.
Of course my mother will deny that this four year "vacation" had anything to do with WT predictions
Yeah, right.
when i was a young kid of approximately 7 years old, i seem to recollect memories of 'encouragement' by the society for jw's to sell their properties, their homesteads, am i right in thinking this?
and if so, how many here were affected adversely by such decisions either on the part of their parents or who directly sold their houses thinking that the end was imminently nigh?
can anyone refresh my memory?
My parents sold their house and quit their jobs in 1972.
In 1976 they got jobs and bought another house.
Of course my mother will deny that this four year "vacation" had anything to do with WT predictions
Yeah, right.
(or jehovah's witnesses.
same thing) from "1984": .
"the thought police would get him just the same.
Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought
Newspeak = The Pure Language
i'm fairly new to leaving the borg (about a year and a half).
just wondering if anyone else has had a hard time adjusting to dating in the real world?
i don't go by the whole 'we better not date unless we're ready to get married'.
My biggest problem with dating is that my wife won't let me!
i came late to fatherhood.
my daughter was born when i was 43 and my son when i was 47. becoming a father has been the most profound experience of my life.
nothing has taught me more about the love of god than having children.
You must not base your understanding of all "childless men" on your own personal experience. This is very flawed reasoning which is the same logic behind racism and sexism, etc.
Good point. Anecdotal evidence proves nothing on its own. However a great deal of anecdotal evidence can give rise to a hypothesis. I painted with broad strokes with my original post. My point is that the Watchtower leadership is clearly lacking in love and compassion and I believe that part of the reason for this is the fact that the vast majority of the leadership have not had the experience of raising a family.
Thanks for your responses!
i came late to fatherhood.
my daughter was born when i was 43 and my son when i was 47. becoming a father has been the most profound experience of my life.
nothing has taught me more about the love of god than having children.
Perhaps that's why pedophilia is only a concern when it results in bad publicity.
Valis, I am not suggesting that childlessness is the cause of pedophilia but I am suggesting that childlessness could be the cause of a lack of concern/sensitivity to the problem.
i came late to fatherhood.
my daughter was born when i was 43 and my son when i was 47. becoming a father has been the most profound experience of my life.
nothing has taught me more about the love of god than having children.
I came late to fatherhood. My daughter was born when I was 43 and my son when I was 47. Becoming a father has been the most profound experience of my life. Nothing has taught me more about the love of God than having children. It has turned an intellectual concept into reality.
What do the leaders of the Catholic Church and the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses have in common? They are childless men. How many on the governing body have had children? I am only aware of Mr. Schroeder. How many circut overseers and district overseers have children? In the last congregation I attended five out of six elders were childless. What of the members of the Bethel family? What of the historic leaders of the WT movement such as Russell and Rutherford? I understand that while Rutherford had a son, they were estranged.
As one who was a childless man for a large portion of my adult life I feel that I can comment on the problem of leadership by childless men. Many childless men have little or no understanding about raising children. Perhaps that's why pedophilia is only a concern when it results in bad publicity. Maybe that is why the life of the child is expendable in the face a religion's traditional view of medical care.
I believe that the man who remains childless throughout his life becomes self-centered. I believe that he has no true concept of the future because the future can only be realized through children. I believe that the childless man loses the opportunity to display kindness, patience and love on a daily basis.
I believe that the man who remains childless never fully knows the kind of love that would cause a man to lay down his life for his children. In another words the childless man does not understand the love of God.
Happy fathers day
June 16, 2002
i gave a 5 minute part the other day.
i'd readied my trusty navy blue double-breaster and put on the same tie i wore when i gave the bible reading at the circuit assembly once (actually i bought the suit for the same occasion), but this time i had a part at the district convention venue!.
i listened to the two earlier speakers, and just knew they'd get w. my name was announced and i stepped up to the platform, slipped behind the podium as cool as can be, settled my notes, noticed where the mike was, lent my hands on the podium just so, gave a couple of people eye contact, gave an introduction to arouse interest, watched my pausing and my hissing ssss and popping pppp and general proper use of microphone and my modulation.
I used appropriate Gestures and Repetition for Emphasis.
How was your "Coherence through Connectives?"
why is the word cristendom given by jws as evil or apart.
of the world?
dictionary gives the meaning 1) christianity 2) the part of the.
Another quirk of JW's in their view of Christendom is that they tend to view all of Christendom as being identical to the Catholic Church - ritualistic, giving church tradition equal value with scripture, heirarchial, etc.
The dubs have always been bad at history. Perhaps they don't realize that there was a Protestant Reformation.
there are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
I miss the five years I wasted pioneering.
in 1902 there was an office in barmen-elberfeld (today a part of wuppertal) distributing watchtowers and russell's books.
so, the german branch celebrates its 100th "birthday" this year.
last weekend there was a so-called "day with open doors" (tag der offenen tur, quite common in germany) when the public was invited and anybody could come and take a look at the facilities and eat and drink.
They had a birthday party!!!
Was anyone beheaded?