Demonized cats and dogs Oh My! That 'Bozo the demon dog' is CLASSIC! Only JWs are gullible (brainwashed) enough to think carnie tricks are evidence of demonic possession.
Thanks for the chuckles Marvin!
i understand that the jehovah's witnesses are paranoid when it comes to the paranormal.. how far do the roots of this paranoia go?
has anyone ever had any personal paranormal experiences or know of anyone who has (first hand)?.
and what are some of the more popular stories that get retold in jw circles?.
Demonized cats and dogs Oh My! That 'Bozo the demon dog' is CLASSIC! Only JWs are gullible (brainwashed) enough to think carnie tricks are evidence of demonic possession.
Thanks for the chuckles Marvin!
i understand that the jehovah's witnesses are paranoid when it comes to the paranormal.. how far do the roots of this paranoia go?
has anyone ever had any personal paranormal experiences or know of anyone who has (first hand)?.
and what are some of the more popular stories that get retold in jw circles?.
I used to play Magic The Gathering! I used to keep my collection at a friends place, remember bringing some back home to build a deck and my dad found them ( I swear everyday he would scour my room looking for things to punish me for) and burned them in the backyard...didnt tell me, just left the half-burned cards out for me to find. I was like 'meh, their just commons'. I mostly thought it was amusing.
i understand that the jehovah's witnesses are paranoid when it comes to the paranormal.. how far do the roots of this paranoia go?
has anyone ever had any personal paranormal experiences or know of anyone who has (first hand)?.
and what are some of the more popular stories that get retold in jw circles?.
My father once told me a story when I was like 7 that when he was studying to become a JW before he got baptised demons came and were tapping on his apartment window all night to scare him away from continuing studying. This was the first time I remember ever thinking that paranormal entities actually existed, and it terrified me for weeks, I expected to see demons every time i looked out a window. Later on when I started critically thinking...I wondered why the demons would bother F-ing with my dad, since he was such an abusive ass, like...yeeeaaaaahhhh the JWs would missing SO MUCH if he was scared out of joining.
Then when we moved to a small town community up in northern Ontario and suddenly there were 'urban legends' about several specific possessed object JWs have come across; one sister bought a second-hand dress and everytime she wore it she would get a terrible fever and flu like symptoms causing her to miss meeting (LOL!), same with a pair of earings, and a second-hand couch that started making 'wierd' things happen in the house. The moral of these stories: Don't buy anything from garage sales or second-hand stores because anything owned by anyone who isnt a JW at any point could be possessed! Bahaha!
I've only heard of one storie where a JW couple actually full-on admited to seeing (whitnessing) a ghost/demon/wtvr; they moved into this apartment/house started unpacking their stuff, the next morning they wake to find some archiach coins (or coin) on the breakfast table. then they both reported seeing the spectre of half a man (the top half, legless) moving around the property on several occasions over the two or three days they stayed there. I never got anymore details or explanation regarding this tale, and I cant remember the couple now but I remember knowing who it was when I was told it happened.
it's amazing the lengths some folks go through to defend their "unwavering" belief in the bible.
i was discussing the elisha and the she-bear incident and the co-worker gave the following "true" interpretation.
he stated that since we are all children of god, the "children" were actually adults which was followed by "there is no way god would have sent two bears to attack little kids.
Hilarious repsonse btw, that's classic!
it's amazing the lengths some folks go through to defend their "unwavering" belief in the bible.
i was discussing the elisha and the she-bear incident and the co-worker gave the following "true" interpretation.
he stated that since we are all children of god, the "children" were actually adults which was followed by "there is no way god would have sent two bears to attack little kids.
I love it when you try to logically approach a scripture or parable and the hard-core religious responds with "That's ridiculous!"
this is the best youtube video to show how some feel when they leave the truth.
Marionettes always bugged me...not like in a creepy way, but the same way mimes bug people. Marionettes are the mimes of puppets.
But the metaphore is apt! Seeing the strings for the first time is eye-openning, then when you gain the courage to cut yourself free the GB would rather leave you dying on the ground rather than help pick you up.
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Well, sounds like she's not doing it for people she's doing it for her close immediate family, who generally are more forgiving to those reinstated. I think it's a pretty solid plan, stick around just long enough that you get your family back, then get the hell out of there and on to a real life.
Welcome, LMSA
how the watchtower society brainwashes its members..... .
brainwashing & mind control techniques.
the term "brainwashing" came into common language through the work of american journalist edward hunter who was an expert of oriental issues; the very word being the direct translation of chinese "hsi-nao".
Wow this gave me the creeps. I can easily think of an instance in the KH that represents each and every example of brainwash listed here.
At first I was going to say 'almost' every example except for the games and verbal abuse...then I remembered how my dad used to talk to me "You're an embarassment to the family" and "You bring nothing but shame on the family" and I also remembered the 'game of knowledge' trivia card-game (anyone remember that...they always reminded me of taro cards), which looking back now I realize was an ironic title.
in the congregations in my area there was an expression to the effect that 'there's counting time and then there's the way pioneers count their time'.
the watchtower's guidelines were pretty strict on when time could be counted.
some pioneers followed it and others didn't.. on particularly motivated young man comes to mind, he would work full-time or close to it and pioneer.
lol thats amazing FF. I'm sure this exact situation occurs all the time almost word for word
The article states: 'One person said the naked woman is going to "offend someone."' ...ONE person said it's going to offend someone. Not himself, but someone - somewhere is going to be offended.
I can't even imagine anyone being so hard-up that that a 1'' picture of a statue gets them sexually excited. 'If you think that's hot...wait till you see the statue of liberty...she's a minx, but she's such a tease!'