Boggles my mind that they are showing an increase... yes, third world countries are seizing on the "hope" they project but I can see them fudging the numbers in their favor. Anyone working the numbers knows well how to show an "increase" so the FDS can boast about their spirit directed bull..... that no longer seems to apply since they are not spirit directed as the second baptism change indicates. Nor were they ever spirit directed or there would not be 12- 13 changes on the 1914-1918 dates along with so many more changes- generation for another... all of which brings into question of all the disseminated "spiritual food" in all the magazines and books!
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
10 Year Growth Chart
by HiddenPimo inhere are some visuals to help show what is going on with the jw numbers game.
i am not a numbers guy and there maybe a few errors (info directly from grand total pages on jw.borg).
What happens to Bethelites?
by rickroll inso if someone puts their life into serving the cult for free at bethel, then say after 25 or 30 years they are not able to for one reason or another such as illness, or family issue or old age, does the cult have any safety net for these people or is it you serve until you can't and when you can't you just go away?
Truly I do not think many pubs know there is a Vow of Poverty signed off by a bethelite, unless their child is going into a bethel. When they entered they were probably in their late teens, having a minimum course in something.
In the past several years, as high as 2200 were let go in just one year- back to congregations, to find jobs, ask congregations for furniture, support, jobs, etc. and go on medical programs (in Canada, free)- most had been in the "compound" for 35-40 years, were up in age. many needing some sort of medical care that the society will not supply - even while raking in millions per year in donations. If the child marries and they are to go into an area, they are given a monthly stipend as Special Pioneers or Missionaries. However, this stops when the pair has to stop for any reason. They then -maybe- become regular pioneers or publishers - making their own way and working at something they are not trained for due to age.
This lesson today is to soothe consciences and cover the society's rear-end. Loving,kind, considerate - nope... they used these brothers and sisters then when the going got bad, threw them out... to a world they had to sink or swim in but then the publishers - who looked at them as holy- are willing to give all to make them comfortable.
Yet all the comments today fell in line with society's thinking....
by truthlover123 induring the first talk tonight, the brother giving the talk indicated that now comments were to include sisters!
previously mostly only brothers were mentioned in most prayers or comments - has anyone else heard this tonight?.
the meeting seemed to be positioned directly to and about sisters.
During the first talk tonight, the brother giving the talk indicated that now comments were to include sisters! Previously mostly only brothers were mentioned in most prayers or comments - has anyone else heard this tonight?
The meeting seemed to be positioned directly to and about sisters. I was not there so am not sure if this is a direct comment.
PS- if so, this is a directive from Head Office.. and it has taken a long time to happen. What burns my a... is that they had to wait until they were told to be kind. and inclusive.. (normally, women are third class, after the male children, after all if a male child of 11 is baptized, women are to listen to him when in a car group when no adult male is present)---if this is the case.
KURD is the word - and the word is KURD
by Terry inkurd is the word - the word is kurd________who the heck are they?.
once upon a time, world war one ended and three people created a new place out of thin air called: iraq.
(gertrude bell, lawrence of arabia, winston churchill).this new country was divided up into 3 chunks:kurdsunnishia_____solemn promises made by colonel t.e.
Very interesting info Terry - you definitely put the emphasis on the atrocities of invasion, presumptuousness of outside forces drawing lines in the sand, war and oil
I have not read all of the posts yet but do want to make a note that in one of his tweets re the withdrawal of security forces (sent to Iraq) Trump said the oil was secured. So what was his agenda?
Just a thought
Change of Address for JWN
by truthlover123 ini always went to this site for my info - now i had to type in jehovahs witness discussion forum and noted that various types of information are not indicated - saying not allowed.
has something changed i am not aware of or is this my imagination?.
under jwn is financial information on a specific company and now broadcasting and home site .
I always went to this site for my info - now I had to type in Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forum and noted that various types of information are not indicated - saying not allowed.
Has something changed I am not aware of or is this my imagination?
Under JWN is financial information on a specific company and now JW.Org- Broadcasting and home site
head coverings
by loveforgod inhi there i am not a jw but i am having bible study.
i came to christianity a few months before and i was searching for the right path.
one of the things god spoke to me about and directed me in was to do away with all the vanity that was in me and now i wear the head covering and the modest dresses.
I understand what it is like making it on your own with two young children- you want the best for them and yourself and yes, they do model along the lines of a caring, loving organization however, you should ask questions before you decide to get baptized.. when baptized and if your children get baptized be advised that if one of you gets disfellowshipped, you will not be able to have anything to do with them or else you too, will be disfellowshipped. It is important that you know this - again, ask questions.
My children did not get baptized, I did, but because they did not, I am able to visit, eat, talk- to them. Otherwise, it is as above. You are searching and probably want a husband as well. FYI- 65% in organization are women, 35% men- so do the math. This is from PEW Research. You may never get a man cause most wives who do die are older, so is the man and 90% of the time, he marries someone much younger than him. Maybe to have a nurse later on??
The Holy Bible is for every religious belief to interpret as they want adherents to follow. Just be careful and weigh everything.
CSA and letters of response
by problemaddict 2 inhi guys.
been a while since i've poked my head in.
i have a fairly specific question.
If you can find "Shepherding the Flock of God" book you can get the newest policies on child abuse there I believe.
Lately, the society has asked all materials be destroyed. That should give you an indication of where this society is going,'
head coverings
by loveforgod inhi there i am not a jw but i am having bible study.
i came to christianity a few months before and i was searching for the right path.
one of the things god spoke to me about and directed me in was to do away with all the vanity that was in me and now i wear the head covering and the modest dresses.
As a witness, u are not required to wear a head covering unless you are conducing a bible study yourself and there are men in the room not qualified to do so.. otherwise it is a personal thing.
Modest dresses can be beautiful depending on materials - ankle length, flowing, short to the knee, boots are a nice look with both - beautiful blouses with out the deep plunge, boat neck, so many lovely materials, lots of jewelry - you dont have to dress like a nun
The broader issue is with many things you wont learn by the bible study. You are searching. and that is a good thing but there are a lot of questions you want to ask every study session.
1) Is Jesus higher than the governing body or do they replace Jesus on earth after Armageddon? Jesus died for the world of mankind that believes in him, the governing body did not.
2)what is the directive on blood transfusions?
2A) Can women hold a position in the organization as a governing body member? Can women give a 1/2 hour talk on the platform- like a man would? What place does a woman have in the organization?
3)What is directive of dealing with family members not in the truth and who are good, kind people? Can you holiday with them?( mostly they want you out in service door to door to get more adherents- its an Amway thing - get more, make more money for society)
4)What is their position on the child abuse issues currently in courts around the world and the society is losing millions of dollars per year with lawyers and trials when the perverts get sentenced to jail?
5)Why the sell off of halls that originally was bought and upgraded by the volunteer publishers who are losing that money and their halls, just to be squeezed into another hall with another congregation?
6) why the constant barrage of money. money to an organization claiming to do worldwide work but really, where the money goes is not accounted for? They report some rebuilding work, but they do not help "worldly People" at all... no clinics, no food banks, no clothing - just money for worldwide work that there is no spending reports made. Lately its been to pay off for the disgusting perverts within the congregations who have lost their cases. The society has kept them in, protected them, never reported them to law. The innocent ones never believed- IN a lot of cases, they and theie families disfellowshipped because they accused a man of child abuse- good old boys they have a voice and the society is paying. Big time. Check it out. Its on the internet. Be wary. Check out the ARC report in 2015-2016 - Australia 0ver 1006 perverts in organization - thousands of children affected - no pervert reported to law- congregations did not know these perverts were in the congregations and could prey on their kids as elders do not announce this - sick!
Research and ask a lot of questions.. You may open the eyes of your study partner
These are just few things you may want to know- do you investigation- this forum can help u with that.. lot of ex-jws, Circuit overseers and elders and bethelites have left the organization due to what they learned when close to the head... they are now called "apostates" yet all they wanted was the society to do the right thing
YOu will be told not to listen to media or read things that go against the society - keep in mind they have hired a PR firm to deal with media to downplay issues arising currently.
Hope this does not spin your head too much -- keep it simple and dont ask questions all at once.. one or two a session would be enough for you to get an idea of what is done
retrospect on yesterday's wt "study" 29.
by waton ingo- teach.
par.1 : marching orders given to 500 attendees, none of them anointed, but 11 partakers, jesus taught and served people with an "earthly hope" and the commission to go was not as wt now claims a mandate to the gb members; the os only being supposed supporters.
4) new disciple stops drinking.
Par 15- so sickening-
we need to help the students to come to know HOW to live as a true Christian-
Assist him (not her) as he struggles to put bible principles into practise.... (while they are teaching him not to ask about blood, child abuse, lying, being a slave for the money they want to pay off legal losses, how to replace Jesus with the GB, sell off of halls etc)
That lesson is a joke opening with song 60- This means their Life
Opening song was Listen Obey and Be blessed...(Before the Talk and WT)
Do You Think People Have Forgotten About 9/11?
by minimus inafter all these years, it seems to me that people do not properly take note of what happened on this date in 2001. for some, it’s like nothing major happened.
for me it is a day of reflection..
There is an excellent doc on tonight regarding the Cancelled Air Flights that were in mid air when all travel was stopped in USA and they were diverted into The Canadian Maritime provinces and how the air traffic controllers brought in those planes -- over 8000 passengers into their homes and towns and supplied them with food, clothing, all needs taken care of - when Pres. Bush closed down all air traffic coming from everywhere - I Believe 224 planes landed in a matter of hours...everyone had beds and home to stay in called 9/11 Cleared for Chaos on Discovery channel tonight