Unfortunately most people jump off the deepend and are paupers in their old age. They tell people how destructive college is, yet use those same peoples tax dollars to send someone else to school to protect their sorry behinds.
i have been thinking about the legal departments that look after the wts interests around the world.i can`t believe these legal eagles offer their services on a voluntary basis like the r&f do.and i don`t believe their services would come cheap.. as an organization the size of jw.org and its offshoots of companys and interests around the world ,the cost of keeping them gainfully employed must amount to a considerable sum of money.. especially the law suits against them with child abuse court cases that arise on a regular basis ,and the government inquiry`s into the jw religion that is happening in different countries now.. all paid for by the voluntary contributions that come from the r&f for the worldwide preaching work .. contributions to pay for the wt organization`s legal department to defend themselves in court ?.
did jesus and the apostles pay lawyers to defend them in a court of law with funds donated by their supporters ?.
Unfortunately most people jump off the deepend and are paupers in their old age. They tell people how destructive college is, yet use those same peoples tax dollars to send someone else to school to protect their sorry behinds.
i have been thinking about the legal departments that look after the wts interests around the world.i can`t believe these legal eagles offer their services on a voluntary basis like the r&f do.and i don`t believe their services would come cheap.. as an organization the size of jw.org and its offshoots of companys and interests around the world ,the cost of keeping them gainfully employed must amount to a considerable sum of money.. especially the law suits against them with child abuse court cases that arise on a regular basis ,and the government inquiry`s into the jw religion that is happening in different countries now.. all paid for by the voluntary contributions that come from the r&f for the worldwide preaching work .. contributions to pay for the wt organization`s legal department to defend themselves in court ?.
did jesus and the apostles pay lawyers to defend them in a court of law with funds donated by their supporters ?.
Funny enough I was in his congregation with him and his entire family in New Jersey. He was a very arrogant guy. Tried to give over the top talks all the time, but they never really touched anyone.
He was a newly married guy. Maybe 2 months. We were all out in service and his new wife of 2 months fell off a porch in service.
She was literally on the ground crying holding her ankle and he kept telling her to get up, you are embarrassing yourself.
He LITERALLY WALKED AWAY AND LEFT HER THERE. She was still there crying and a few sisters helped her up. He literally was laughing at his own wife
She limped back over to him and carried on like nothing happened.
i have been thinking about the legal departments that look after the wts interests around the world.i can`t believe these legal eagles offer their services on a voluntary basis like the r&f do.and i don`t believe their services would come cheap.. as an organization the size of jw.org and its offshoots of companys and interests around the world ,the cost of keeping them gainfully employed must amount to a considerable sum of money.. especially the law suits against them with child abuse court cases that arise on a regular basis ,and the government inquiry`s into the jw religion that is happening in different countries now.. all paid for by the voluntary contributions that come from the r&f for the worldwide preaching work .. contributions to pay for the wt organization`s legal department to defend themselves in court ?.
did jesus and the apostles pay lawyers to defend them in a court of law with funds donated by their supporters ?.
Back in the day one of my friends was sent to school to be lawyer by the WTBTS. He wasn't even a Bethelite, just a pioneer. While he was going to school they had him work as a caretaker at the Jersey City assembly hall.
He told me there were 4 other brothers who they did the same thing with. When I asked him why they chose him, he said the c.o. selected him because the society asked them to find studious brothers that they felt were qualified.
On a side note he is one of the main lawyers on the child abuse case.
i did this in my facebook group for my podcast and it was fun.. so what's the craziest thing you ever saw?.
for me it was watching a brother have a heart attack during the meeting in the auditorium.
i was a kid and noticed him shaking and acting strange.
We had some homeless dope fiend completely naked washing himself in the bathroom. He left the door open and people were losing their minds.
No one wanted to touch him because he was naked and smelling horrible. Two brothers finally got the gumption to stop and then he delivered a beat down the likes of which I had never seen. He mounted brother Folliero and began punching him while naked.
He jumped up and ran
trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
You read what I put there, make your own conclusion.
trying to put politics aside (even though that won't really work), but ny governor andrew cuomo is blowing the other politicians out out the water (orange man [trump] and the lizard [biden]).. i don't know if cuomo has a usb port in the back of his head plugged into a hard drive but the guy speaks, analyzes and talks coherently.
the orange man always passes difficult questions to someone else.
the lizard can't comprehend what the question is but tries to answer something.. cuomo comes out with facts, analysis and direction on what needs to be done.
As I said a month ago... the Cuomo family is corrupt and people know it. People watch these briefings and think he is the loving papa bear that he tries to portray. If you don't like Trumpbyou will hate Cuomo.
He would expand all welfare programs and turn the entire country into the shithole known as New York
brothers and sisters associated with the watchtower society may 9, 2020. i have tried to inform you of the necessary adjustments you ought to take in order to truly be in the truth.
but my efforts have remained fruitless.
you well know the biblical procedure.
While I was at Bethel a friend of mine worked the dept that answers letters that come in. I worked in the cleaning department and every Tuesday and Thursday I would go to his desk and talk.
He actually had stacks of letters and I asked him how do they answer them all. He laughed and said that as soon as the letter takes a negative view or turn they instantly stop reading. Address the first point that is expressed. Thank them for writing and drop it in a outgoing bin.
That is if your letter even gets opened at all. Rofl
so here it is on bitchute.. tear away.. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pyd8crtke8xy/.
So I have to share a point here that I really didn't want to share but I will. 3 weeks ago a family member in NJ with all the signs of COVID19 went in hospital.
He was on the COVID floor, on a ventilator etc... no family could see him. 2 weeks later , YES 2 WEEKS LATER. TEST COMES BACK AND HE IS NEGATIVE FOR COVID, but has pneumonia. So imagine if the worst would have happened and he died 1 week into this.
He would have been classified as a Covid19 death incorrectly.
1.--authorization and release agreementfor disaster relief medical assistance.
------------------------------------------------------------------2.--for the attention of all elders------------------------------------------------------------------.
3.--additional direction regarding assistance with practical needs------------------------------------------------------------------.
Please drop me a link as well
this particular question or evaluation of the people who are participating jws has come up before in debate.
the more one deeply analyzes this the answer usually comes up in the affirmative yes.
when you consider the fact that jws members will abandon their own family, go as far as kill themselves under the direction of these men, it really confirms just how deep the mental and conscious indoctrination these men have gone.. .
In sooner cases I think prolonged exposure to the crazy beliefs and lifestyle does activate mental instability in some people. In most cases I think the religion just attracts those with mental disorders.
I was a born-in who left at 35. In all those years I NEVER encountered a person who claimed to be of the anointed who wasn't mentally unstable. Im talking 20 plus people, all were obviously dealing with mental issues.