1) People who are obsessed with brand names. Especially some people I know who won't deign to step foot in a "regular" store with me, but will actually stand outside while I shop there. The type who have to insert the brand name of whatever clothing you compliment them on. The type who always have the latest designer labels on their backs, but every single month their utilities are scheduled to be disconnected at the end of the day. Said people will also have feverish debates among themselves over whether the new bag I just bought is real or fake, and if it's real, how *I* can possibly afford it. YES, the bag is real, and I had to save up my money over time for the splurge (very occasional splurge, that is).
If you prefer designer items, that's your perogative, but realize that a) a lot of folks genuinely don't give a shit, and b) just because those folks don't give a shit doesn't mean they have a problem. It's possible that they like you regardless of what you're wearing or driving.
2) People who just can't understand why you want to go to college and get a degree.
3) People who have to do whatever everybody else is doing, whether it's their circle of peers or just everybody else around them.
4) People who can't do anything by themselves, and consider you a freak because you can.
5) Women who can't do anything without a man, and consider you a freak because you travel solo, leave the house after dark to run errands, perform your own household repairs, operate a grill, go to movies and restaurants solo, etc.
6) Call me prudish, but I've always hated sex talk on the job. A little occasional raunch is okay, but a major pet peeve of mine is when some turn every single subject back onto sex. I have an coworker who is constantly regaling me with her many sexcapades. I'm not that close with her. To date, I haven't thought of a polite way to curb her prattle about her many sexual conquests. Some "experiences" need to stay in the bedroom.
Can you tell I find my coworkers profoundly irritating?