Good for you LB.
Enjoy your life. It is no other person's place to judge your choices or course.
Self-righteous people make me sick. "Holier-than-thou Ill tell you whats right or wrong" is so presumptuous and self-important that it literally nauseates me.
Hey Thomas, seemed a little defensive to make a critical analysis statement, then be so quick to state "Im not judging". At least have the balls to admit your judging when its apparent you are.
Since your so righteous, why not keep Matthew 7:1 in mind?
Im sure youll reply with some snotty, sarcastic, defensive, or even flaming remark, and I expect that.
Fact is, I could care less.
Usually if you mind your own business and see to it your living a satisfactory life, you dont have the time or interest to be criticizing everyone else.
Damn right Im gonna step in and stand up for my friend LB, every post Ive seen or read that hes commented on has been level-headed, and sincere. The fact is he is happy, his wife is happy. He is not hurting any individuals with the lifestyle he chooses to lead. Get off your high-horse and find something purposeful to do.
Im happy for you LB. Sincere, honest-hearted people deceived or caught up in the lies of the WTS deserve so much better. Im elated youve found peace.
The true Kingdom of God is located in your heart, not an organization of hypocrites. for my new webpage and info!! Im trying to live now!!