And when your friend takes the red pill, will you join in the abusive shunning to keep your cover?
As I recall the guy who regrets taking the red pill had no qualms about killing his friends to get back into the illusion of the Matrix.
This is an interesting contradiction here. So taking the red pill is bad? Is that what you are saying?
Is it best to take the red pill if you would definitely be more happy not taking it? What if the blue pill not knowing the truth would stop you being unhappy?
Is there a third option? Yes you can take both pills and tell yourself we don’t know the entire whole truth. Whatever you want to choose to believe may be true or may not be. You have to reach contentment not knowing.
purple pill means you can think for yourself and choose to believe whatever you want including blue or red pills.
So no, to answer your question. All purple pill JW don’t shun anyone but that’s sort of ended now anyway even for blue pill JWs.