JoinedPosts by rekless
If you need to earn more - State your Hobby here:
by Celtic inyou could be earning money from your hobby, from the very thing that you enjoy as a past time in life.
you may not be aware how to do so, but others here can assist you in showing ways forwards.
what have you got to lose by stating your hobby / interest here?.
AntiAging News Again
by metatron inscientists say methuselah's age should be attainable by research.
in not too distant future - because of findings from icelandic.
gene pool..
well my take on this subject is this: People will still will be only be the wealthy that will be able to afford this new gene treatment in the very near future.
I would think the generation of 50 years + will be the ones too old to receive the benefits.
Will you go to the memorial
by freeborg ini have never missed a memorial in 20 years of being a jw, but this year will be the first one i miss because i refuse to set foot in any kingdom hall.
i was wondering how many that post here will attend the memorial and if so why?.
do you feel pressured into going by family or friends?.
no,pure & simple
Why Not Reject 1st Century Org. as God's ?
by Explorer into all those offended by the wt's behavior :.
one of the biggest cause of confusion among loyal ones to the wt org.
today, and those dissenting, is the very concept of what to expect from jehovah's organization on earth.
If you beleive the Bible and and the Bible says there were mericles and blah,blah,blah then then you beleive the mericles happened...but there is not any reason to beleive the so call modern day orgis of God, because there is not any proof that their prophecies have come .
Should Shunning Stop When Sinning Stops?
by Englishman inremember pauls admonition to shun the guy who wouldnt stop fornicating with his fathers wife?
it does seem to be a reasonable form of disapproval, especially if his father was very fond of the lady concerned.
think about it, they were probably the 2 people that the father would have loved most in the whole wide world.
Eman, weare all sinners always that would be impossible, they shouldn't shunn anyways, do to them being sinners also.
Personality Survey
by ninjaturtle inwhat's your personality type?
take this test if you're not sure:.
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
33 22 11 22 -
Legal action against JW/WBTS
by Nazereth inis there any justifiable recompense for emotional scarring/loss of education etc caused by the brain washing/ indoctrination carried out by wbts and its members?
they broke their contract with us...the ones that were baptized under the father son and holy spirit compared to the father son and spirit annointed organization.
Dateline:Have u lost contact with someone?
by rekless inthey are interested in the where, whys, what, and when .. this maybe a chance to tell the world about what happens when the teachings of the wtbts becomes the fanatical part of ones' life.. how if one disagrees with the org.
one is dfed then the shunning begins even to the point one looses contact with their own children and are forbidden to see their grand children
they are interested in the where, whys, what, and when .
This maybe a chance to tell the world about what happens when the teachings of the WTBTS becomes the fanatical part of ones' life.
How if one disagrees with the org. one is dfed then the shunning begins even to the point one looses contact with their own children and are forbidden to see their grand children
What do you think? Drank and smoked with witness..
by DanielHaase inok, here's the situation.
i have a good friend who i grew up with and now lives in mobile, al.
of course, when i was d/f'd a couple of years back, all contact was gone.
then again they may sow their wild oats and stay in.
I know some that have, I also know some left the org. when they left home.