I'm not sure why you are trying to tackle Thermodynamics when you don't even have the facts of the flood legend straight yet. Every time you post something, even more ignorance spews onto the Internet.
You said:
Yes, this is true. But in the long run it will reverse. The crystals form as a result of decreased entropy but in the end the entropy will decrease all over again. It will not continue to become more complex over time.
Duh – no one says that a particular organism will live forever and continue to be more complex, but if that organism happens to reproduce before it dies, then it’s progeny carry on where it left off. You get little pockets of low entropy being replaced by pockets of high entropy.
Of course entropy will finally win in Billions of years and there will be no life whatsoever on Earth, no Sun, not even any elements (in trillions of trillions of trillions of years), but that is just the fact of Thermodynamics. As long as we have the sun, though, we are free to continue evolving as life on Earth has been for billions of years.
This also is true. But eventually the entropy in all these systems decreases and the die and rot.
I’m not sure what your point is here. I don’t believe anyone is saying that individual organisms or pockets of reduced entropy will last forever. Do you remember anyone saying that? Do you remember that I just said that our little pocket of reduced entropy called the solar system would lose the war to entropy in the future?
If dead things don't become complex life forms then how did evolution begin? You said evolutionists don't expect dead things to become alive but what about primordial soup.
Living things today have already evolved into highly specialized organisms. All of the parts of the organism have to work together for the organism to survive. These specialized parts cannot function on their own. The beginnings of life were not highly evolved like we see today. They were probably just self-reproducing molecules that we wouldn’t even call life today. Those types of parts no longer exist in living (and dead) things today.
Did you realize that a dead animal or plant gives rise to a whole new world of reduced entropy? Microorganisms thrive off of decaying plant and animal matter. The dead animal turns into a small pocket of increased entropy for these microorganisms. In time entropy will win over this little pocket as well, and you know what the final result will be.
Even if all the elements needed to create life were together in a puddle no amout of time would turn this into a living organism.
Not time on it’s own, but energy from the Sun causes pockets of reduced entropy. It causes weather, which causes different forms of energy, such as lightening and so forth. If you had the needed elements to start life (not necessarily from existing life) together, energy (ultimately from the sun) can cause simple organic material to form (this has been observed in laboratory experiments). If this is possible, then it is possible for self-replicating molecules to form from the same process. Once you have self-replicating molecules, mutation and natural selection take over and you get what you find today – a planet filled with life. But only for a while (billions of years). In time entropy will increase as the sun dies and the energy source that is keeping the entropy in check goes away.
The entropy of the soup would not increase because it would have no reason to.
We have just seen how the energy source of the sun can decrease entropy on the Earth. This has been observed in laboratory experiments – and you see it all around you every day. If you put a plant in the basement without light, it will die. It needs energy from the Sun to live.
Natural selection has nothing to do with making dead things live.
This is correct (Wow!). Natural selection only cares about self-replicating molecules or organisms after they already exist. Why are you trying to argue about Abiogenesis instead of Evolution? Evolution is not concerned with these matters. For all anyone knows, God could have started it off. But if he did, we know for a fact that he used evolution to keep it going. Evolution and Abiogenesis are completely different theories – Evolution does not rely on Abiogenesis for it to be correct. Evolution is only the fact that plants and animals change over time. The Theory of Evolution deals with the mechanism for that observed change, i.e. Natural Selection.
If you squash a mosquito you still have all the elements necessary to create a mosquito, almost in the right order too. But because of the chaos added to the mosquito by the act of squashing it, it is dead. And no matter how long you wait it will not live again.
We have already dealt with this. See above.
The point is is a living organism, or in the instance of chrystals as you mentioned, entropy will temporarily increase but the end result is chaos.
And nobody is denying that. You certainly have some misconceptions about how Thermodynamics fits into the picture. You even have the Theories of Abiogenesis and Evolution confused! How can anyone take you seriously, you bearer of “Real Troof”?
Rem (shaking his head)
P.S. I suggest that after you do your Flood research, you pick up a few books and read what the Theory of Evolution is really about. Some that come to mind are “Blind Watchmaker”, “Climbing Mount Improbable”, and “Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins. “Darwin’s Ghost” by Steve Jones is very good too for an introduction to the subject. You might also want to read some books by Carl Sagan to hone your BS detector. “The Demon Haunted World” is an excellent book I’m sure you will enjoy.
"Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
..........Bertrand Russell