JoinedTopics Started by BelisemDeBelimakom
The Curious Case of Cameroon in Africa in the World Report
by LaFrancia inwe know that in africa warwick/watchtower is adopting a policy of more congregations with fewer publishers in each congregation.
this explains the growth of congregations in the 2024 world report.. cameroon world report 2019 vs. 2024.. with the same number of publishers the congregations grew by about 13%.. will there be many more curious cases out there?.
What Theme Song Should Be Played When You Walk Into a Room?
by Sea Breeze inthis could fun.
what song should be played when you walk into a room that best describes you?
Why so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?
by buzkid inwhy do so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?russell coudn't get along with his wife mariah.
rutherford had trouble with his wife and sent her away.. eric wilson says it's o.k.
if you don't get legally married as long as you have a "spiritual marriage" in his latest video response to the situation of people coming forward complaining about the abusive religious tactics his "wife" practices and he condones.. i ask this question in a previous post but it deserves it's own discussion definitely:why is it that so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?.
follower of Eric Wilson, abusive to single women covered by paying sums of money to support Beroean Pickets tourism trips.
by buzkid insusanne eigenheer is an ex-jw and suffered religious abuse in eric wilson's group.
her personal statement and experiences within the beroean pickets study groups was one of betrayal where she was taken advantage of financially.
in one text conversation, wendy wiens disfellowshiped susanne and demanded an apology from her.
Is Jesus the Creator?
by Sea Breeze inthat's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
MINA TREASURY SERVICES LIMITED, Ireland, Bethel, the vow of poverty, stocks, dividends and Christ Jesus. Find me the connection
by LaFrancia ini read this from a european blog.
all the bethelites who are part of it (16 in total) own 631,250 shares (value of each share 1 euro).
the shares will generate a dividend, but the bethelites have all taken a vow of poverty.
Do JWs believe Jesus is an angel?
by slimboyfat ini would suggest:.
the short answer is yes.. the longer answer is a qualified yes, with some caveats.
the short answer is yes because jehovah’s witnesses teach that jesus is michael the archangel, their leader, eldest and most powerful, and have taught this since the very beginning of the religion.
How many JW in the 1920's
by xaminewt ini'm trying to find out how many jw there were globally in 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927 and 1928. the watchtower of 1926 says that there were 25,000 in attendance at the magdeburg convention for the public address, but the same watchtower say that one the last day of the convention there were 15,000 present, so i assume at least 10,000 were interested persons - non jw.
the watchtower 1955 says: "for this year of 1927 the number in attendance at the spring memorial internationally was 88,544, yet of these only some 18,602 were active as house-to-house kingdom announcers".
these statistics would seem to imply that the majority of jw in 1926 were at the magdeburg convention.
2024 GB Update #5
by ukpimo inlet's mine for the next gb update!
it isn't yet on the servers, however the code 1112024014 is to be used for august.
it should be out publicly on the borg website tomorrow.