Who knows? The GB are just old, delusional, irrelevant men and their wives are equally delusional.
Who knows? The GB are just old, delusional, irrelevant men and their wives are equally delusional.
if this has been posted before i apologize.
this about sums up what the grovelling body is looking to do!
I think the Monthly Broadcast will eventually morph into a Mister Rogers style presentation. Once the lawsuits hit with full force from multiple sources, assuming the smartest ( relatively speaking ) Dubs leave the cult, only the Idiocracy will remain.
I like to imagine Lett getting the latest spiritual food from a puppet that pops out of a tree, or perhaps King Friday. ( Jesus??)
DD 🤔
is it your understanding that any jw can have holy spirit indwell them or is that an experience a part of the anointing that the wt teaches is reserved for the 144,000?.
please provide references if you can..
I don’t have time or the inclination to look at the literature anymore, but here’s the Holy Spirit in a nutshell....
( Hey!!! Someone get me out of this thing!! )
Err...yeah... So all Dubs can be influenced by the Spirit. That’s what makes them go to meetings, and go in service, and contribute money. The Spirit is why they are Dubs in the first place as the GB say the Spirit draws righteously disposed ones to Da Troof.
The Spirit does not influence of lead any non-anointed Dub, or any anointed Dub in any way contrary to the “Genuinely Anointed” Dubs at World HQ. ONLY the GB have the Spirit operating on them in a unique way regarding the continuing revelation of Jeehoober’s purpose.
How do we know the GB are the only Dubs who are receiving messages via Holy Spirit? Because they are at HQ! Why are they at HQ? They are “Genuine Anointed” and not mentally and emotionally unbalanced. How do we know? Because they are at HQ! Why? Because they are “Genuine Anointed!” How do we know? Because Jeehoober’s spirit acts on them in a special way. How do we know? Because they are the GB at HQ! .....🤪
Its pretty easy to see that the Spirit does whatever the GB/Legal Department says it does.
when a person is guilty and worthy of punishment, the judgment ‘will already have been bound in heaven jesus said and if they are loosed or innocent it will already have been “loosed in heaven..in such judicial deliberations, jesus says, “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.” .
psalm 127:3.. children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from jehovah.
jws abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.its recognized that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes.jws do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities as has been alleged.
The Elders were doing exactly what they were indoctrinated to do, protect the ORG’s reputation at all costs..
The Elders do what HQ says. End of story. If they don’t then they are no longer Elders.
Now the new defense is, “ All this is happening because the Elders haven’t been following procedure.”?!?!?!
BULL SHIT.... Like the WTBTS’s procedures are awesome? If only the holy procedures had been followed!! 😩
If the procedures are so great, why the article about the GB erring in policies and procedures??? Seriously? Which is it? Are the policies flawed or just not being followed? You can’t have it both ways...
By the way, the Elders aren’t the “Stars” of Revelation, or “Dukes and Shepherds.” That’s just flawed interpretations of delusional humans.
Finally, how would not following procedures in the recent past explain the appointment of a pedophile to the Governing Body who then spearheaded the now infamous Pedophile database that the GB have protected at all costs to the tune of millions of dollars??
when a person is guilty and worthy of punishment, the judgment ‘will already have been bound in heaven jesus said and if they are loosed or innocent it will already have been “loosed in heaven..in such judicial deliberations, jesus says, “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.” .
psalm 127:3.. children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from jehovah.
jws abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.its recognized that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes.jws do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities as has been alleged.
I guess this is kind of delusions we are going to witness as the WTBTS’s chickens come home to roost and they reap what they have sown.
We have two new trolls since the GB printed their latest article on abuse and Zalkin had them named as defendants. Coincidence? Nope...
when a person is guilty and worthy of punishment, the judgment ‘will already have been bound in heaven jesus said and if they are loosed or innocent it will already have been “loosed in heaven..in such judicial deliberations, jesus says, “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.” .
psalm 127:3.. children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from jehovah.
jws abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.its recognized that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes.jws do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities as has been alleged.
Alex, yes or no, is Jesus telling the GB to not report accusations in states where the law does not make it mandatory?
The WT says they comply when the law requires it, but what about when it doesn’t? That’s the real proof that the Organization cares only for its reputation.
Any sane adult would report allegations of abuse even if there were no law stating that such reports were mandatory. Yet the GB needs worldly authorities to make them report....They can’t just tell the Elders to report 100% of the time because it’s the moral thing to do??? They can’t help protect worldly children, potential converts, from abusers by reporting allegations?
What do you think happens when a Pedo is chastised by the Watchtower? Do you think they just stop?? Have you ever thought about all the non-witness children?
I don’t expect a response because like most Pharisaic types, you run from moral and ethical questions, preferring to hide behind legalistic speech. Just like the Pharisees questioned by Jesus, you and your ilk have no moral center. That has been replaced by the appearance of righteousness and legalism.
Better watch out as as your sins may already be sealed in the Heavens.....
when a person is guilty and worthy of punishment, the judgment ‘will already have been bound in heaven jesus said and if they are loosed or innocent it will already have been “loosed in heaven..in such judicial deliberations, jesus says, “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.” .
psalm 127:3.. children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from jehovah.
jws abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.its recognized that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes.jws do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities as has been alleged.
Maybe Jeehoober has already convicted the Watchtower/GB in heaven... Ever think about that???
this happened in queensland, australia, today.
i am proud to be a member of the australian labor party and have worked in politics for the last two terms of their government in queensland.
If only God’s Channel could have reported allegations to the authorities even when the law did not require it. If only they didn’t need Satan’s minions to compel them, but did so out of a sense of moral duty.
If they had consistently done what any sane and moral person would have done for decades then all of this would not be happening.
Huh?... I guess you really do reap what you sow..
DD 🤔
this statement was answered in a form of a question to a question posed by one of his followers;.
jesus realized that composite slave had to qualify for such an appointment when he came into power of his kingdom promised by jehovah god.
[and they came to life and ruled as kings with the christ+ for 1,000 years].
Proverbs 4:18 is a “proverbial” saying, not a prophecy about a tax-free Real-Estate flipping, Judeo-Xian group with a confirmed pedophile database.
https://www.silive.com/news/2019/08/window-for-child-victims-act-sex-abuse-lawsuits-opens-wednesday-what-it-means.html on friday, attorney irwin zalkin held a news conference in manhattan announcing that two alleged victims, heather steele and michael ewing, will file lawsuits in state supreme court in brooklyn on wednesday.
the lawsuits will name as defendants eight members of the governing body of the jehovah’s witnesses (jws).
now located in tuxedo park, n.y., the jws world headquarters occupied a building with a large watchtower sign in brooklyn.
The WTBTS will just refer the sheeple to previous articles that say Jeehoobster May allow trials and that apostates have, and can infiltrate the Organization.
If the GB lose big time and go to jail, or are exposed, ( Assuming Gerrit, Sammy and Tomo don’t die before hand...) the owners of the WTBTS will just say the Org is being cleaned and SandwichSon and Pillow-biter will take over.