Thank you.
vm44 requested a recent blood card and directive.
i wrote to a jw who has a relative on the hlc.
the jw got copies of what they are still using which is still dated 2004 at the bottom.
Thank you.
hello my name is louis.
i have seperated myself from the jws and am looking for people to talk to.
i dont have many people in my life who will even speak to me anymore or even acknowledge that i exist.
Welcome Lu Lu.
Sit and stay awhile.
Good people here.
i took this question weeks ago in the forum but received no answer.
i know you dont know me and thus are suspicious and aware but there is nothing in me that you should be aware of.
i want to have a few conversations in english to improve my talking skills.
I am a techno-geek. But I don't skype with anyone who doesn't pass the smell test. If it smells bad. Don't approach it.
I'm still "in", and I just want to be careful about those I expose my god-like, amazingly chiseled, and undeniably irresistable visage to.
ok, only one of the things I mentioned above is true. I have a visage. That's about it. But I like it.
lawyer types, smart people..hear my plea!!
i may have to defend myself on this subject soon.
i am doing research but i want to get other views.
If we were talking face to face and I said: "You vermin without soul riddled with caustic callous untruth, latent with whole lies and unworthy of salvation.", that would be slander.
If I had written it down, that would be libel.
Nothing I said above is true. Unless a lawer says it is so.
lawyer types, smart people..hear my plea!!
i may have to defend myself on this subject soon.
i am doing research but i want to get other views.
Data_Dog - it's always judicial. They just need 2 to make it official. The standard rules of law do NOT apply in these procedings.
If an Elder asks to speak to you privately, it will almost always lead to Judicial.
Cynicism goes against what we (witnesses) are trained regarding the Elders. You need to be cynical/realistic regarding what COULD happen next.
No one will protect you, except you.
You have support here. Trust it.
Let me check.... Male!
Let me make sure...Male!
just one more check, I promise....Male!
I'm going to need a moment and some juice please. Male!
But would both make you a cut above the rest?
You can cut and paste that if you want.
Kind of edgy huh?
no, this isn't about the dean koontz character odd thomas, but those books are a good read!
this is about another, different fictional character, albeit not quite so engaging as the one imagined by the very talented mr. koontz.
now i know mr. ot is described as being just "an unbaptized publisher", but in my decades of experience as a jw any and all "unbaptized publishers" here in sunny socal would be vetted enough to know better than to take a job at a school run by priests.
I like the effort to question some things that, in our world, might sound far fetched. I thought the same things about this experience as some of you.
I have read some experiences in the literature that are at best difficult to swallow. At worst, imaginary.
This one could actually have some truth to it.
After digging deeper, I found the following on the site. (sierra leone campaign for good governance, a non-profit organization) It's a long text, but it really shows the desperate conditions in the schools in Sierra Leone.
The link to the document is:
A couple of quotes:
" A "qualified" teacher for the purpose of this exercise, is an individual that must have successfully completed a course in a teacher training institution and awarded one or more of the following: Teachers Certificate (TC); Higher Teachers Certificate-HTC (Primary and Secondary); Bachelor of Education - B. Ed (Primary and Secondary); B. Sc/B.A Ed.; B.A/B. Sc. Dip and other Diplomas."
"Most teachers in the sampled schools were either paid late or not being paid salaries at all. Non-payment happens when a teacher’s name is not on the payroll voucher. Late payment takes place because of the delays in processing the payroll vouchers in the schools."
this is a truly awesome video, with a lovely overall presentation, that uses watchtower literature to explain how the expectations of russell and his followers regarding 1914 differ significantly from what is portrayed in modern publications.. if you're visiting this forum for the first time, please watch it!.
This has been the first video I've watched since I started lurking a couple of months ago.
I appreciate the concise, non-combative, informational method used in the presentation. Lots to think about with it.
Since I'm very early in whatever journey this turns out to be, I'm interested in this type of logic.
This is much more appealing than "Sparlock", masturbation video jokes, or demons in illustrations. Those crack me up, but, not much intellectual fodder down those paths. I still find a lot of the comments here full on belly laugh worthy.
Maybe some day, I'll feel comfortable enough to tell my story. Suffice to say, born-in, got dunked in the water 35+ years ago.
is your life better off as a witness or exjw now than before?.
is your life better off in the last few years economically?.
Short answer.... no.
Long answer.... nooooooooooooo.
Currently df'd. Working to be back "in". I know that's unpopular here. Must do. All family is "in".
Being in spiritual, physical, and mental solitary confinement is awful.
Back to lurking.
The Who