Why Daniel, however did you stumble into the lion's den? Meow... and welcome.
Why Daniel, however did you stumble into the lion's den? Meow... and welcome.
Why Daniel, however did you stumble into the lion's den? Meow...
i request the first ones to read this post, to save this post on your hard drive.
i understand this forum is not moderated, and have carefully worded this post with the utmost consideration for simon.
however, in case gremlins cause it to mysteriously vanish, you can share this post with others who might want to know a little about me.
Prisca, if you have to ASK what I'm going on about, then I already proved my point.
i request the first ones to read this post, to save this post on your hard drive.
i understand this forum is not moderated, and have carefully worded this post with the utmost consideration for simon.
however, in case gremlins cause it to mysteriously vanish, you can share this post with others who might want to know a little about me.
Rick, I'm sorry that some people don't know how to gracefully walk away. You've put a great deal of time and money into keeping H20 running. If the ones who have disputes don't like you and your DB, all they have to do is leave your site and post elsewhere.It's quite simple really.
Well, golly gee, aren't WE the intelligent one, Prisca? Or have you not yet figured it out that we are in a different forum than H20, and that is exactly what all the posters did? It's QUITE SIMPLE REALLY. Could it perhaps be that YOU'RE the actual cat with the vacant stare, sitting looking out the window? [8>]
Then Rick has the utter gall to come over HERE and start in on them!
as i sit in front of my computer in a drunken stupor wondering what might have been, i felt i had to post my story to those who might truly understand what i am going through.. i am a newbie here, but have been lurking around for the last few weeks.
i am 25 years old, from ontario, and totally heartbroken.. to give you some background, back in 1998, i studied with the witnesses because some friends of mine, whom i believe to be honest and sincere people, gave me (i thought at the time) some good advice to start a book study.
i did, and i really enjoyed it because i felt they presented everything factually and had a strong interpretation of the scriptures (i'm a facts man, you see).
Hi and welcome to the board. JW's are taught to love "conditionally". And this is what you have come up against.
Honestly, I know it hurts, but count yourself lucky. The absolute truth is that if she had faith and trust in you, she would have at least listened to what you had to say. The fact that she didn't should tell you something. She's conditioned by the cult NOT to listen.
It's no reason to lose your faith in love itself. It's out there, and it exists. But you got caught up with a cult, and a person enslaved in that cult. Cut the ties and find something to take your mind off of things until the pain lessens. Your martial arts, perhaps?
Good luck, and once again, Welcome!
*** g94 11/8 20 have i committed the unforgivable sin?
masturbation is an unclean habit.
(2 corinthians 7:1) however, the bible does not class it with serious sins such as fornication.
Gee AlanF,
To you, everyone is a moron who don't wack themselves.
Yeah, Fred, but you're a moron and you DO.
i request the first ones to read this post, to save this post on your hard drive.
i understand this forum is not moderated, and have carefully worded this post with the utmost consideration for simon.
however, in case gremlins cause it to mysteriously vanish, you can share this post with others who might want to know a little about me.
Now, in light of the fact this archive exists (and I have copies of the first 57 H2O libraries on my huge hard drive, quickly searchable), can anyone still say "Rick" and "censorship" in the same breath? I dare anyone to.
Rcat takes a deep breath... "Rick=Censorship". There... ahhhhhh.. the relief.... almost like having a bm..
Gee, that was fun. Anyone else want to have a 'go'?
i have not shared my "story" with you yet.....i will give you the just of it right now, and go into further detail later.. i was baptized three months ago.
i started having doubts right away.
i am currently inactive and have no plans to return.
Open_Mind, this elder is very sneaky. VERY SNEAKY. Those are the standard questions elders are to ask when they're putting you into DF mode. He is trying to trick you right into a judicial committee situation, that is very apparent.
Don't fall for it. Don't meet with him under any circumstances, and I would put nothing more in writing to him regarding his questions.
Good luck,
i request the first ones to read this post, to save this post on your hard drive.
i understand this forum is not moderated, and have carefully worded this post with the utmost consideration for simon.
however, in case gremlins cause it to mysteriously vanish, you can share this post with others who might want to know a little about me.
Oh! One more thing, if Dave M is reading this, I do believe this guy deserves the Horse's ass of the month award this month, don't you? And one of Mommie Dark's glass bellybuttons while we're at it. He needs to be able to see through all that SHIT. (Oh my, clean out my mouth with soap!)
i request the first ones to read this post, to save this post on your hard drive.
i understand this forum is not moderated, and have carefully worded this post with the utmost consideration for simon.
however, in case gremlins cause it to mysteriously vanish, you can share this post with others who might want to know a little about me.
Rick, let me be the first to say, "Go F*** yourself." You're as full of s*** as a Christmas goose. BTW, can you say "sour grapes"?
Furthermore, JanG deserved everything she got. She DOES sign people up to her email list without permission, and she DOES harvest email addy's from websites. BOTH are big internet no-no's, no matter how much she's done for the ex-jw movement. She needs to get out of denial mode and own up, then change her behavior. Period. Already established. And she wouldn't have gotten blasted had she just owned up to it and stopped trying to lay guilt trips on everybody. End of story.
As far as you coming over to THIS forum and trying to tell Simon what HIS rules should be, as I said in the first line, "Go f*** yourself." You need a good reaming. And I still say the JW religion is unreformable. Your posturing otherwise is your own opinion. And we all know what THAT is worth. Go sit in your echoing, empty forum and think about it.