I agree, that not only should excerpts from the KM articles be posted, but excerpts showing their hypocrisy, in the article regarding going to college, should be posted along side it. Hyprocrisy at it's worst! It does make one sick...
i "stormed" out of a meeting for the first time in my life tonight.
well, i really just walked really fast, but inside myself i was storming.
anybody catch some of the insolent comments made in the 6/01km?
I agree, that not only should excerpts from the KM articles be posted, but excerpts showing their hypocrisy, in the article regarding going to college, should be posted along side it. Hyprocrisy at it's worst! It does make one sick...
Hey Humble,
I remember that bit about the Job application from the Reasoning book. Got any knowledge in your brain that isn't just spouting robot phrases gleaned from a cult manual?
i would be interested in how many of you reading this db, have experienced, or heard of other people having experienced this wonderful trait among god's chosen people.. 41/2 years ago, my jw wife of 25 years, secrectly planned an escape from the marriage, with the help of her spiritual brothers and sisters.
we were having some problems at the time.
for the previous 6 years we would spend our xmas vacation in florida.
Hi 68storm,
This happened to my husband 12 years ago, when he and his first wife split up after 15 years of marriage. They had a nine year old daughter. It's quite a story, but his to tell, so I have sent the url of your post to him.
How have you handled everything since then? And did she get sole custody of your son?
commentary press.
box 43532. atlanta, ga 30336-0532.
770/949-4947; fax 770/949-5601; e,mail: [email protected].
Yes, under the fair usage law, you are allowed to use up to 20% as long as it's not for profit and it's for educational purposes only. We go over this damn copyright law all the time in the crochet forums, as people get po'd when you pass patterns back and forth.
hi everyone, i have been "lurking" for a week or so and thought i'd join the fun.
i am a third generation jw who was determined not to make my kids the fourth!
my husband and i left almost five years ago and have never looked back and as a result have never been happier.. just a quick summary of the past thirteen years.... i never went to college (never even considered it) and was married two weeks after graduating from high school.
Welcome, Princess! Glad to meet you! I walked away in '96, found the info on the internet and never looked back. My kids (three older daughters at that time and one infant daughter) followed me out like ducklings, and we've never been happier.
commentary press.
box 43532. atlanta, ga 30336-0532.
770/949-4947; fax 770/949-5601; e,mail: [email protected].
Jan, seems to me you need to go through all contacts who have your actual address, and track the culprit down from there. Of course, you've no doubt already figured that out so this post is totally superfluous. Good luck in finding the perpetrator. I hope whoever it is gets their just desserts.
Ok all you people giving me sh*t about joining please shut your face. I will join and that is it. I don't need your input i just need help on finding one. Yeah i did read about it and i enjoy what i have heard about it. Let me judge for myself if it is right for me. It is not right for you to push your thoughts off on me when i am just looking for help. OK
Well if you people can not help me then can you send me some where that can?? and i have a question for all those who don't like JW why don't you like it? Please tell me. It seems that your anger with them is deep and i would like the know the source of your pain and anger.
Huh? This does not compute...
on the way to work mom mentioned that her brother uncleb(elder in another state) is coming to visit and stay with her for a bit.. seems like his best and long time friend co sal infantino is taking a short vacation from the 'circuit work' and is going to be here at the same time.
of course they have time planned together.. what i found interesting is that i have been invited over to 'talk' with him???
?hmmmmmmmmmm considering that up until now i have persona non grata during his visits.. any suggestions how i can slip some silentlambs and other info into his suitcase?
Yep, they're definitely on a mission then. They sent the big guns in. But I have no doubt you're good enough to handle anything they try to throw at ya! Hang in there.
i request the first ones to read this post, to save this post on your hard drive.
i understand this forum is not moderated, and have carefully worded this post with the utmost consideration for simon.
however, in case gremlins cause it to mysteriously vanish, you can share this post with others who might want to know a little about me.
Ps Even when Rick comes over here looking for feedback, he does not have the courtesy to reply. Gotta make you wonder, what in the hell is going on in his head?
Now, DannyBear, QUITE SIMPLE REALLY (where have I heard that before? lol)
Self-aggrandizement, doh!
on the way to work mom mentioned that her brother uncleb(elder in another state) is coming to visit and stay with her for a bit.. seems like his best and long time friend co sal infantino is taking a short vacation from the 'circuit work' and is going to be here at the same time.
of course they have time planned together.. what i found interesting is that i have been invited over to 'talk' with him???
?hmmmmmmmmmm considering that up until now i have persona non grata during his visits.. any suggestions how i can slip some silentlambs and other info into his suitcase?
I'm not aware of what situation you're in, Tina. Drop me an email with your particulars. ARe you DA'd, DF'd, IA? Definitely sounds like someone is on a mission for something!