Now Simon,
We're beautiful people here, dont'cha think?
Welcome Sarah, it's great to have you here. So you quit the school and meetings in January? I'm really surprised that they let you just fade like that. I admire your courage!
i have been reading post after post since january, (when my husband and i quit going to the meetings), just now getting up the nerve to say anything.
you people scare me!!!
there are some intense messages on here.
Now Simon,
We're beautiful people here, dont'cha think?
Welcome Sarah, it's great to have you here. So you quit the school and meetings in January? I'm really surprised that they let you just fade like that. I admire your courage!
the first survey i asked how you were brought into the non-truth.
my next survey is along the same line, however what i would like to find out is on the average how many hours you spent in the field service and were you ever able to bring anyone into the non-truth via field service or via incidental witnessing.. and how long you were associated with the borg?.
thank you in advance for your input.
In off and on for 27 years. Baptized for 15 of them. Averaged 2-8 hours per month field service, aux pioneered one month of that entire time.
kent, do you hate black people?
do you harbor resentment toward blacks?
do you judge a person by his or her character?
Thanks for a very moving post. Your father wasn't insane, he was DAMAGED by what was done to his heart. If any of us were in his shoes, we might do the same. Who knows?
BTW, I've been to Bastrop. I have a friend who lives there, and I was born not too far from Topeka. So I know of the places and the attitudes there. I'm glad you had the sense and the knowledge to see past your father's past.
You see, my father hates blacks. With a passion. And he doesn't have ANY of the reasons your father had to excuse his belief and behaviors. He truly believes that the KKK posting which Kent posted is the correct one. On the other hand, my mother, bless her, never had a prejudiced bone in her body. My mother taught that to me, but somehow didn't get it through to my brothers. They are all racist to this very day. So I can understand where you're coming from.
No amount of Progressive thinking can make up for what your daddy suffered. And I can't say that I blame him. I haven't walked in his shoes. I'm just glad you didn't continue to perpetuate the hate, as it would truly serve no purpose.
Thanks again for the good post.
i really need some help guys.
my youngest son is getting married in 3 weeks to a really annoying .
young woman, 22. she has add and talks all the time!!
That was an excellent post. We can all learn from your patience and experience. Hugs to you, for I know you've been through MUCH. Anyone who has an ADD kid does.
Best regards,
i know logical is always in the chat room, but freakshow has been in there for about 48 hours straight.
i've never seen a post by that name though.
just wondering.
i really need some help guys.
my youngest son is getting married in 3 weeks to a really annoying .
young woman, 22. she has add and talks all the time!!
Yep, I agree, Tanalyst.. if you can just stand the person long enough to get that special something to bloom! lol
i know logical is always in the chat room, but freakshow has been in there for about 48 hours straight.
i've never seen a post by that name though.
just wondering.
I know logical is always in the chat room, but Freakshow has been in there for about 48 hours straight. I've never seen a post by that name though. Just wondering.
thanks for the helpful comments.
as a result, this post is revised in the "analysis" portion below.
i made some math errors in a rush to post this in between work breaks.
Amazing, without meaning to, I screwed up your survey results. I attended meetings only in the USA. I was only ever in two congregations as a member. So my input should be added to your USA statistics. Sorry!
... all right, folks.
venice is calling in the heavy artillery.
i also have mafia connections who are not named guido, but knee-cap charlie and sal the stiletto.
What tattoo? Where? Enquiring minds want to know!
You know what they say about paybacks, heh heh.. here we go!
did you know that a decline in meeting attendances was once taken as a sign that wrongdoing had taken place in the congregation?
see what you make of this:.
in the early 60s, when i was but a callow youth and still living at home with my parents, a very anxious jw mum came a-banging on our door.
Exactly, Farkel. In fact, they are some of the most superstitious people I know!