Hi Randy,
Ever since I joined, I have been receiving emails with viruses attached to them.
the find exjws webpage has been updated, now with over 2300 names!.
find a long-lost friend.
please do not use to spam others.. http://www.watchtowernews.org/findexjws.htm.
Hi Randy,
Ever since I joined, I have been receiving emails with viruses attached to them.
i know i asked this absolutely yonks back, then by the name of celtic, but with so many newcomers here i thought no harm but to ask once again.. how many artists do we have here or working in art related fields including film, music, theatre, environment, gardening, sculpture, graphic design, illustration, fine art, photograpy etc etc?.
what hobbies do you have?
how do you see your future artistic horizons opening up?
Hi Celtic,
I am a theater actress and voice over actress. Acting is my first choice as an art form. I also worked in radio broadcast for many years. I like photography, I paint, draw, play the piano, sing, and am a nude model for local art schools. Oh, and I write poetry and do all the writing for my web site.
I am not surprised to see so many former JW's are artists. Artists have a unique way of looking at the world. It is difficult for formal religion to keep us from our vision.
it's a difficult thing, once having been a member of the elite, the chosen few, hand-picked by the almighty never to die, to wake up, suddenly or otherwise to the realization that all was a lie.
of course, when we were jws, we had a purpose in life, and that purpose, along with life itself was a forever kind of thing.
we were to live forever, and our existance was well-defined for us.
I empathise with what you are going through. My parents have been going through the same feelings that you have since they left the org after the Dateline episode. They feel betrayed, lonely and without purpose. It is particularly hard for them since they have been JW's for almost 40 years. I went through similar feelings 20 years ago when I left. I was lonely, depressed, suicidal. It is never easy to lose one's religion.
What Francois said is very true:
"So the only alternative open to me, since I rejected religion, was to discover how to establish, develop, and maintain a relationship with God directly. And after I had done that, I realized that was intended to be the technique of our relationship with God all along: direct, living, personal, private relationship with God the Father as a child of that same Father full-fledged, with no need ever to allow any other person or group of people to arrogate to themselves some position of "divine go-between." "
Homebuthiding, it does get better. So much better. You will find your niche, your purpose in life. You will make new friends and have all sorts of interesting experiences. Your courage and honesty will light your way. Going back to college is a great way to start off in your new life.
When you are depressed, remember that this too will pass. I wish you all the best. I wish you love.
were you ashamed of being a witness?.
how did you feel about identifing yourself as a jehovahs witness to others?.
i often used to hide it because of the stigma attacthed to it.. was anyone actually proud to be one?
Nope, not me. I was never ashamed or embarrassed to be a JW; but then, I don't embarrass easily. Heck, even when the Baptists were beating me up in the school bathroom for not believing in the trinity, I wasn't embarrassed for being a witness. I was embarrassed about not being able to fight back. Embarrassed because I was scared of being caught if I did fight back.
Then one day in the 12th grade, I decided "F" it and laid into them. I am not embarrassed to say that I kicked their arses really good. Funny, nobody ever bothered me after that.
I am still not embarrassed about being raised a JW. Sometimes I am even thankful for it. It could have been worse, you know. I could have been raised a Church of Christ or a Mormon.
Edited for content
Edited by - robdar on 17 June 2002 10:38:3
i had a visit this morning from a couple of older sisters from a local congregation that i'm not terribly familiar with (i don't live in the territory for the congregation that i was raised in).
anyway, i didn't have the balls or energy to question them about the usual things (recent dateline, etc.
) because they were these sweet little old black sisters that really reminded me of the witnesses at the beginning of "friday".
Many JW's that I know have been saying to me that nobody is mentioning the Dateline episode to them when they go out in service. Could their lack of identifying themselves be one of the reasons that nobody has brought the subject up? I believe that it could be.
..and not just the watchtower bible and tract society.
(by the way, that is the stupidest, most meaningless name).
but i digress.
Hi Incense,
Be wary of this JW. He is the one that has been harrassing me. Yes, he is also emailing other women registered to this forum. I am glad that you didn't respond to him. Of course, he may still harrass you. Simon has already deleted him 3 times. And yes, his father is an elder in Colorado. This "brother" has recently moved to the USA from Canada. He is telling all the women posters that he emails that he is from Texas.
"does he think that because i am so evil that i would enjoy 'deflowering' or corrupting him? this guy is no boy, either, rather he is in his mid-twenties."
Yes, that is exactly what he thinks.
" what would his parents think?"
They just found out what he has been doing because I informed them. They think they are powerless to stop him. They have spoiled this little brat rotten and are now unable to keep him in line even though he lives with them.
He has also emailed outnfree from this email address: [email protected]. He has a couple of other email accounts too.
Ladies, beware if you get an email from the aforementioned address. This guy is a liar. And he can't be trusted.
Edited by - robdar on 12 June 2002 17:17:55
Edited by - robdar on 12 June 2002 17:32:2
Edited by - robdar on 12 June 2002 17:52:30
Edited by - robdar on 12 June 2002 17:57:10
Edited by - robdar on 12 June 2002 18:20:15
science deals with what can be observed, directly or indirectly.
so in one sense, you could say that science is simply not providing any answers to the question about the existence of a soul or spirit component of a human being.. .
that, of course, keeps science polite to religious ideas.. .
I just found the site interesting. It doesn't matter to me if we survive death or not. What matters is what we are doing with our life right now.
I am trying to have enough fun for 3 lifetimes, while I have the chance.
science deals with what can be observed, directly or indirectly.
so in one sense, you could say that science is simply not providing any answers to the question about the existence of a soul or spirit component of a human being.. .
that, of course, keeps science polite to religious ideas.. .
I found this link interesting: http://www.cfpf.org.uk
A group of quantum physicists say they have mathematical proof that consciousness survives death.
a week ago i called my jw sister.
she and i talk on a regular basis with a don't ask don't tell unspoken policy regarding the society.
she has not "witnessed" to me in many years.
I agree with Xena's assessment of the conversation. Your sister was worried about her own mortality.
Wow Wendy,
I was thinking about you today, wondering how you were doing. It is great that you are back. I'll be looking for you in chat.