I was pioneering right on the northern Utah & southern Idaho border. I had a bible study with one of the farm hands wife. As I was leaving the farm drving down the dirt road a traveling butcher (who knew) gunned his van. BLOOD spurted out of the sides of the doors, from below the doors and in between the doors and go all over my perfect 4 door economy pioneer car. Classic. -Nicole
JoinedPosts by rodnico
what was the strangest or wierd thing that happen.......
by donald inwhat was the strangest or wierd thing that happen to you in service...or funny....???.
mine was i went to a door and a very lovely young lady came to the door...nude....man you talk about a hard time giving the presetation....lol.
then there was the time we drove up to a drive...and this dog on a chain came running out to us full speed...untill he ran out of chain...he fliped head over heals....donald
Unloading of my kingdom Ministries
by rodnico ini am not sure if this is the best place to put this or not.
simon can move it around if not.
i have been going through my things and found kingdom ministries from 1989 - 1996 for the most part they are complete.
My user name is zeit00 for ebay. My email addess is [email protected]. I keep forgetting my camera at a friends to post a photo with. Thanks lemon_lime, that is a way to search for them also.
Thanks Mouthy...I had to read that one aloud to my other half. Someone asked me about the kingdom ministry the other day, and why anyone would buy them from ebay. It is a funny thing. I was under the impression that those are not reprinted. Are they? Are they on a CD somewhere? Just curious.
Unloading of my kingdom Ministries
by rodnico ini am not sure if this is the best place to put this or not.
simon can move it around if not.
i have been going through my things and found kingdom ministries from 1989 - 1996 for the most part they are complete.
opps, here try this one. not much there it says the same thing actually. Yeah given for free, but who took the time to organize by date???
Unloading of my kingdom Ministries
by rodnico ini am not sure if this is the best place to put this or not.
simon can move it around if not.
i have been going through my things and found kingdom ministries from 1989 - 1996 for the most part they are complete.
I am not sure if this is the best place to put this or not. Simon can move it around if not. I have been going through my things and found kingdom ministries from 1989 - 1996 for the most part they are complete. Some are spanish most are english. Also they have the typical "I am more spiritual than you" writing on them. I would really like to dump them, but I think they might be of refrence use, and I am buying a house and need the cash. Here is the link if you are interested.
Not sure why the link does not work. If you copy/paste the URL into your addres then it will find them. If you are interested in the email me.
What was the worst date you ever been on ?
by Xandria ini did not date until 19 ... and married the only person i dated.
he kept going of course ( which may of been the wise choice) for she may of done him in if he stopped.
luckily she made a mad dash for the door and made inside in record time.
The worst date was with a witness that I had been seeing for a couple of months. I have to preface this date with another one. He had bought 3 tickets to a Cure concert for me, him & chaperone. Only we had no chaperone, my mother who wanted us to remain "pure" decided she should go. She went to see the Cure with us, and she had a great time, besides psycho religion she is pretty cool. She danced and was a lot of fun, then we went to eat at a nice place.
So in competition he wanted to show how his parents were just as cool as my mother. First we went to eat dinner, and he said "oh my this is an expensive place" him being mr. just graduated from ministerial school regular pioneer I thought he did not have enough money. So I ordered the cheapest thing I could find a very small appetizer. I was freakin starving. After dinner he bought concert tickets to see They Might Be Giants. His parents and us stood in line for 1 1/2 hours in the cold waiting to get inside a place with no chairs, and I was freakin starving. We finally get inside, and the opening act was some punk girls screaming riot chick things like F*CK You, You blah blah blah...over and over again. I thought they were pretty funny, but his parents were shocked. During the riot chick's songs was some heavy moshing and beer was spilled all over my dates father. We left without even seeing They Might Be Giants. His parents had stopped talking to him by the time the night was over they apologized to me for such a bad evening. I told him face it, your parents will never be as cool as my mother. Drove home after stopping at McDonalds.
So glad I did not marry that one...whew.
What Women Want In A Man...
by Englishman inaccording to her ladyship's group of pals, what today's woman wants in a man, is the ability to fix things!.
so many chaps are totally inept when it comes to climbing ladders, wielding a screwdriver or wiping a joint, that wives are getting a little pe'ed off with men who just want to show their feminine side.
todays woman wants her man to be a do-er, a fixer, a man who creates, a man who can and does!
One of the sexiest things in the world is a man with a starched white shirt rolled up to the elbows, a tie loose around his neck but pulled around so it hangs against his back, fixing a car. That is the perfect man!
Edited by - rodnico on 12 August 2002 13:23:44
Ogden moron white trash...that is pretty funny. Growing up a witness in Utah is a cult within a cult within a cult. I graduated from Weber High School.
I wonder if I know your friend from Logan. Or if they don't know me they would know my psycho mother.
for women who are participating in the 9/27 march
by rodnico inlets shop!!!!!!!!!!
if you are going to spend a few extra days in ny and not touring boring buildings...hearing the same crap over and over then lets get together and do some classic worldly materialistic shopping!
the main place i want to go is centry 21 if anyone knows of some great outlet malls lets hit those also.
Hey Zen!
I always hate to shop alone. We are going to spend a few extra days in NY so maybe the thursay before or the Saturday after the march we can hook up! DustRabbit sweetie!!!! here is the link http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=31648&site=3.Silentlambs is organizing a march on Columbia Heights.
Watchtower BAD
Prada GOODEdited by - rodnico on 25 July 2002 9:1:40
Edited by - rodnico on 25 July 2002 9:2:34 couldn't get the damn link to work
Edited by - rodnico on 25 July 2002 9:3:28
for women who are participating in the 9/27 march
by rodnico inlets shop!!!!!!!!!!
if you are going to spend a few extra days in ny and not touring boring buildings...hearing the same crap over and over then lets get together and do some classic worldly materialistic shopping!
the main place i want to go is centry 21 if anyone knows of some great outlet malls lets hit those also.
LETS SHOP!!!!!!!!!!
If you are going to spend a few extra days in NY and NOT touring boring buildings...hearing the same crap over and over then lets get together and do some classic worldly materialistic SHOPPING!
The main place I want to go is Centry 21 If anyone knows of some great outlet malls lets hit those also.
Watchtower BAD
Prada GOODEmail me or respond here and we can make our meet point and form car groups!
This may also apply to men, if you like to shop.
Edited by - rodnico on 24 July 2002 16:52:57
Edited by - rodnico on 24 July 2002 16:53:43
I pioneered in Ogden Utah, Logan Utah. Don't live there now, but we probably know the same people. I went to the Ogden North & Ogden spanish. Email me we can chat.
Nicole (formerly Nikki) Rodriquez
Edited by - rodnico on 16 July 2002 13:24:5