JoinedTopics Started by rodnico
what was the strangest or wierd thing that happen.......
by donald inwhat was the strangest or wierd thing that happen to you in service...or funny....???.
mine was i went to a door and a very lovely young lady came to the you talk about a hard time giving the
then there was the time we drove up to a drive...and this dog on a chain came running out to us full speed...untill he ran out of chain...he fliped head over heals....donald
Unloading of my kingdom Ministries
by rodnico ini am not sure if this is the best place to put this or not.
simon can move it around if not.
i have been going through my things and found kingdom ministries from 1989 - 1996 for the most part they are complete.
What Women Want In A Man...
by Englishman inaccording to her ladyship's group of pals, what today's woman wants in a man, is the ability to fix things!.
so many chaps are totally inept when it comes to climbing ladders, wielding a screwdriver or wiping a joint, that wives are getting a little pe'ed off with men who just want to show their feminine side.
todays woman wants her man to be a do-er, a fixer, a man who creates, a man who can and does!
What was the worst date you ever been on ?
by Xandria ini did not date until 19 ... and married the only person i dated.
he kept going of course ( which may of been the wise choice) for she may of done him in if he stopped.
luckily she made a mad dash for the door and made inside in record time.
for women who are participating in the 9/27 march
by rodnico inlets shop!!!!!!!!!!
if you are going to spend a few extra days in ny and not touring boring buildings...hearing the same crap over and over then lets get together and do some classic worldly materialistic shopping!
the main place i want to go is centry 21 if anyone knows of some great outlet malls lets hit those also.
I finished my novel.
by JeffT inwell, my mother will find about 10,000 edits because that used to be her job, but i'm done.. took longer than i want to talk about, but 91,000 words are a mouthful.
i'm going to take a deep breath then go look for an agent.
for those of you who don't know, its based very loosely on my years as a dub.. .
What kind of dreams did you have as a JW?
by Preston ini've been doing some research on dream interpretation lately and as i would like to know if you ever had any strange or recurring dreams when you were a jw.
for instance, if you often had dreams of being chased by the police or some type of powerful entity, it could represent your struggle with the quthority that the organization often represented itself to be.
i think it's an interesting topic, just thought i'd see if you guys had anything to add.... .
Movie quotes - Guess and give
by SpiceItUp inok...simon with his guess the song lyrics inspired me to do one for movies..... you can post your fave movie quote and see if anyone can guess it.
no home movies or indie please (unless its really well-known).
plus if you want you can put what genre it is...... i have one to start us out:.
personal experience part #2 (stripped down)
by dustrabbit innicole:.
yeah, utah it was, but there's two job corps in utah.
yeah, i'll email you later, after i get myself through the "unwritten chapter", which is still being written.