Born in California Raised in Utah
Traveled To:
is it true that americans are the least travelled people in the world?
if that is the case, its hardly surprising when you read all the dire warnings contained inside a us passport.
also, i am told that americans regard the rest of the world as a very dangerous place to be.
Born in California Raised in Utah
Traveled To:
snake is one hot dude. I haven't had time to get the game only played the demo...but I am in love..
Good topic to start sexiest video game character.
Solid Snake #1.
my cubicle neighbor asked me a question.
he wanted to know how to reply to people who tell him they believed the bible to be the true work of god because so many were killed trying to save it or translate it.. that was a chapter from what i remember in the orange book is the bible inspired by god.. how would you respond?
My cubicle neighbor asked me a question. He wanted to know how to reply to people who tell him they believed the bible to be the true work of God because so many were killed trying to save it or translate it.
That was a chapter from what I remember in the orange book is the bible inspired by God.
How would you respond?
we had quite a bit of wind here last night, and as i was up with the baby and couldn't sleep anyway, i was thinking back to when i was young.. living on the east coast, we got some of the mega storms that the southwest doesn't usually get, at least not with any regularity.. as a kid, everytime a vicious thunderstorm or violent electric storm started, i would wonder the unimaginable:.
is this armegeddon????.
Hey Lisa-
My boyfriend (who never was or will be a witnesse) says everytime something bad the dog takes a crap inside or the cat knocks something over or there is a storm...CALL THE ELDERS and ask IS IT ARMAGEDDON? He jokes about a mental problem I think we all still deal with...that thought that comes through my mind...maybe they are right and it is Armageddon. But then sanity over conditioning takes over.
this morning i had a bizarre dream.
first off i was taking a road trip with my mother and some other witnesses (bad enough).
they really wanted to go to a meeting in the city that i grew up in, so i say fine, whatever.
This morning I had a bizarre dream. First off I was taking a road trip with my mother and some other witnesses (bad enough). They really wanted to go to a meeting in the city that I grew up in, so I say fine, whatever. I’ll wait in the car.
So I am laying in the backseat of the car reading a book when my mother comes out and tells me the elders want to talk to me, Neil Mingo & Al Williams. Great. The scary authority figures from my youth. I tell her if they want to talk to me they can come out to the parking lot and talk.
So they come out to the car. They tell me that since I was in the JW parking lot they would have to disfellowship me. Wait a min. I thought JW dogma (I just saw the movie) was if I was a willful sinner and walked through the doors of the kingdom hall THEN I cold be disfellowshipped, when did this extend the parking lot?
I woke up after I asked the question. Still telling both elders off in my mind, and what I would tell them if I had the chance.
Just thought I would share.
how cults trap us: the criteria to define cults is fairly well established.
i think "lifton" did the best job.
however, there is one feature that none of the cult expose' literature seems to deal with - maturity.
This is a very interesting thread Amazing. I always wondered why my mother became a witness. What happened to her was exactly what you describe above. She could never make decisions for herself she was afraid to make them. Even the small things in life like what to wear or what to eat….she would pray to god things like “if I should eat this then make the phone ring” if it rang or did not ring she would decide. So it was a sensible fit an organization that capitalized on her severe weakness. She never really matured; there is no real need to. Now she says, “this is all I know”. Maybe I give her more credit that is deserved but sometimes I think I see deep down she knows it is crap but the thought of having to make all of her own decisions alone and no one to tell her what to do is to frightening for a 50+ year old woman.
It is always refreshing to read these types of posts.
one of my customers asked me today whether i celebrate christmas and birthdays almost automaticly i was about to say no.. then i realised i'm not a witness anymore.. i didn't really want to go into a conversaion so i just said those things didn't bother me.. so what things are here stuck in our minds like that ,that are hard to get rid of?.
do you sill have a feeling arrmagddon might come , even though you don't mentally bleive it ,does it still effect you?.
have you realised yet that you are not going to live forever and in fact you will die?.
A few nights ago I had a nightmare, and when I woke up I was pretty scared. I remembered that I had bought some Tarot cards for a friend for christmas...and the first thing that came into my head...I let demons into the house I need to throw those cards away. I told my never was a jw boyfriend he laughed out loud at me. Now I just feel kind of stupid. It is hard to get rid of those trained mental responses.
something has puzzeled me for a long time since i came to this board.
first i would like to say i'm not judging any in what i'm about to say as we all are at different places in our lives and i respect that.. here it is: at what point in your life did you no longer believe in god or believe the bible?.
how many came to this conclution after coming to this db?.
When I look back on my JW life I never really believed that god was out to help or hurt me. When I left I realized that for me atheism felt right. That does not mean I am not in tune with my spirituality. Or that that I have thrown anything out on the contrary I have gained much more than I have thrown out. This board has had nothing to do with my core belief system.
my wife told me an amuzing and yet sad story about my step son, sean.
when he was three, in preschool, and already reading due to hyperlexia (part of his autism) he got into a spat with his preschool teacher.
it seems sean was acting out in class so the teacher sent him to stand in the corner for a bit.
My aunt always reminds me about the time that I told her when I was five that she needed to become a witness so Jehovah would not destroy her in Armageddon. She told me after I left the organization how much that hurt her feelings. Hearing her tell me this helps me understand why I still get panicky about Armageddon. I apologized 20 years later to her...and said well I guess it will be both of us together then.
11-19 3:30 pm 7 lbs 13 oz, 21 in.. i don't how how to add the photos, but if you want to see pictures, go to
i think this is right (mommy help me!
BEST WISHES for the new baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy everything went well!!!
Love ya,
P.S. I couldn't get to the photos either...I wanted to see them so bad too.