Please let me know also.
I will be glad to contribute monies for this.
if the newspapers/media will not cover the news from barbara anderson maybe a decent size ad in a large circulation newspaper would be helpful to get the word out?
everybody chip in$?
anybody good with arranging that sort of ad and willing to use their name to place it?
Please let me know also.
I will be glad to contribute monies for this.
"... since you were raised in the truth.
we respect your decision to break your promise and walk away, but don't slander us by talking about [child abuse / ngo / malawi / insert here].
how would you respond to this?.
It's not slander if it is true.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #000099; } .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #000099; } .style5 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> pulling the triggerthe watchtower's discipline *disclaimer: .
the approach of this topic requires that you temporarily disconnect your emotions.
connected to the watchtower society and view this case from a different perspective.. the perspective of the thread.
The Wanderer:
Just remember that there are many other religions out there that offer scriptual and biblical structure along with community educational programs, elderly programs, etc and not use the cult-like mechanisms that the WTS has used.
There are many other religions out there preach to its members not to be prejudice, against immorality, etc. and not use the cult-like mechanisms that the WTS has used.
So almost anyone could have obtained the necessary disciplinary skills to be successful in life with other religious organizations, as long as they applied what they were taught.
We did not need the WTS to do this. What we needed from the WTS was to be honest and trustworthy and to teach only what the Bible says and not put they own 'spin' on their interpretation of the Bible to satisfy their desire for monetary greed and power control of its members.
this is video is of high quality and well done and has over 2 million views which is bound to have a very big impact on public opinion,, thank god for the internet:.
I was there that fateful day and watched from Maiden Lane when the second plane crashed into the towers.
There was no controlled demolition about this. It was real and horrible!!!.
my loyal-dub wife had a wonderful morning knocking on empty homes earlier this week.
last night she confided in me with an observation.
she has noticed what she perceives to be a "pioneer clique" in our congregation.
I was a pioneer for two years, worked on the building construction projects for 10 years, etc.
Even though I tried not to ack like I was better than others, many pioneers in my congregation thougth they were God's give to the congregation and especially if they were married to an elder.
When my husband and I got married ( note: I was a single parent for 15 years), they quickly made him a ministerial servant and tried to make us fit into their 'spiritual clicks". We refused.
I even told the Bethelite Elder that was going to give our marriage talk that they and the congregation were not going to be in our marital businessonce we got marrierd, told him what the topic of our marrige talk was going to be and when he gave our marriage talk he had exactly 30 minutes or I was going to walk off the stage at the Kingdom Hall and go to City Hall in Queens, NY and get married. He looked at me surprised and laughed, but he knew I was serious.
Yes, they think they are better than everyone else if they are pioneers, ministerial servants, elders, etc.
I'm glad my husband and I never felt that way and today we are no longer actively involved with this cult.
i was doing an image search on google and found a link to a website that appears to fully support the watchtower org.
[ ] .
interesting thing to me is the pictures that it shows, some i have never seen in offical literature, yet they look like they couldve have been ones made but not used, or something i dont know.. and others that resemble images from books such as the revelation book... (the city, pearls etc).
If you scroll down to the bottom of the page of this site, you will see that it is from the Organization itself in addition to its regular website:
2006 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
how much should a man tolerate a girlfriend or wife that is very demanding on clothes/shoes and other articles such as perfumes, handbags etc?
is there a limit to what one should spend to keep them happy beyond which it becomes a case of them taking advantage?
Being in a relationship is not about demanding..........its about love, intimacy, tolerance, respect, etc.
Put your foot down or re-evaluate your relationship.
Let them buy their own items if they needs these things so bad...................
its time for me to move on.. some of you will know that recently ive really messed my life up.
i met a lurker on a dub site and while we started off as just friends we became a lot more.
over 3 months we hurt both our partners and ourselves and in the end she ended up running back to her rich boyfriend and cut me off completely.. ok i know that some of you embittered bible bashers just cant wait to reach for your keyboards and start condemning me save it!
We hope you decide to come back to the forum.
Most of the time 'we' are our worst critics. WE all make mistakes or the wrong decisions in life. That's a part of living. Do not be so hard on yourself. Forgive yourself.
No one on this post is going to be judgementmental.
hi guys,.
sorry to burden you all with this but i really have no one that i want to talk about this with, i'm afraid that i will burst into tears and wont be able to stop if i call any of my friends and tell them what's going on.
my little sister has been ill with a fever for three weeks, her doctor kept telling her it was just a bad case of the flu and that she had an ear infection, he gave her antibiotics and sent her home.
Hi Lola28:
So sorry to hear about your sister.
Both she, you, and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Please stay strong and take care of yourself also.
apupi - illinois.
local jw, susan estrogen, recalls her horror when she first saw the large, orange vegetables on the porch.
"there i was between breaks while out on field service when i saw it!
This was great.
Thanks for the laugh while I am home from work sick with a sinus infection.