She is definitely talented.
But her repeated references to God and that God gave only her this talent, sounds demonic to me.
this is amazing!.
She is definitely talented.
But her repeated references to God and that God gave only her this talent, sounds demonic to me.
i don't know if already posted this video, but it's really interesting .
i had a lot of rumor regarding this speech , but never listened my self before.
the speech is in italian, but some nice guy has subtitled in english.
This video is sickening.
I am now 50 years old and pursuing my on-line degree in Business Management because I and many of my sisters and brothers (there are eight of us) listened to the Borg's garbage about not going to college back in the 70's.
Fortunately, three of my four sisters (three (3) still in the Borg) decided to go to college years later. One is a Registered Nurse Managing a Medical Facility in Queens, NY and the other when to college for a while to become a nurse, but stopped due to personal challenges. Still, I am glad she decided to at least make an effort to go back to school. My (smart) twin sister was DF many years ago and saw the corruptness and hypocrisy of the Borg early on and went to college and obtained her Registered Nurse degree and currently has her own business as a medical consultant for Life Insurance Companies. Two of my three brothers are going back to college. None of my brothers are in the Borg anymore.
My husband, who was a MS (he is from Barbados) obtained his GED, then obtained his Associates Degree in Computer Technology. Even though right now he is not employed in job yet using his degree, I am so proud of his decision to go college.
This video is a classic example of the religious, cult, propaganda this organization has enleased on its members to control their actions and money.....................
we have felt like we didn't need a letter, but suddenly we did, and it was liberating to write and send (multiple copies).. last para got biting and pointed, unfortunately, but facts are facts.
august 14, 2007. .
to whom it may concern:.
I agree with the entire letter.
I would not delete the last need to 'sugar coat' any wrongdoing by the WTS or their congs.
They do not 'sugar coat' any wrongdoing by its members when they want to Disfellowship someone.
Regarding the facts and truth': "it is what it is".
just reminiscing a little on all the "quick-build" assignments i supported in the past.
what was your "quick-build" experience?.
I was on the quick build assignments for ten years and I actually liked it.
I learned to do sheet rock, HVAC installations and insulations, and steel studding. So I enjoyed myself.
It was a break from the regular office 'white collar' job I did during the regular work week.
she was beautiful.
her name was aliyah.
she would have been 5 mos tomorrow.
I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss.
It is never easy losing a loved one and certainly not a child.
Our prayers are with you, your daughter and son-in-law and the entire family.
ok so here is the deal, i'm only 23 and get my period maybe once every three months, normally i feel really sick before i get it for example this time i felt really dizzy for about three days and felt like i was going to vomit all weekend, i just got my period today after 3/4 months.
i'm wondering if i'm the only one on here that is so irregular and how normal/abnormal something like this is for someone my age.. .
Please see your OB/GYN and an internal medicine doctor right away.
You need to get your hormone levels checked, etc.
My daughter who is now 28 started young also having the same problem and after years of being sick we finally found specialists who diagnosed her with PCO- Poly Cystic Ovarian disease.
Please go see your OB/GYN and a request to a referral to an OB/GYN Endcrinologist specialist.
this is the 10th anniversary month for my departure from the misery of being a witness.
just wondering if anyone on this board is from the fort lauderdale or hollywood area in south florida.
i was associated with the las olas cong.
We moved from Queens, NY to Hollywood, FL in 2003. We did not attend many meetings in Hollywood so do not really know any of the JWs. However, is anyone from Queens, NY?
on the topic of "snitching".
i was very troubled to hear that the "no snitching" policy is so pervasive in the african american community.
if this report is accurate, this policy is a rule that is followed fervently.
Thank you.
on the topic of "snitching".
i was very troubled to hear that the "no snitching" policy is so pervasive in the african american community.
if this report is accurate, this policy is a rule that is followed fervently.
As an African American, please let me advise you that many of us do not want to be poor or be on welfare.
When I was a single parent, poor- I really appreciated that tax break- the Earned Income Credit because getting back even a little more in my tax refund was needed.
I was on welfare at some point in my life but only until I was able to find a job and get off of welfare. Being out of work for 1 1/2 years was very hard. So any financial break and help from the gov't I received was needed.
I am no longer in a tax bracket that is considered "poor", but I am all for anyone getting tax breaks besides the "rich" because many "poor' people of all races work very hard year-round just to make ends meet and basically live paycheck to paycheck.
her life story was the front cover on the july 15, 1979 of the craptower ... she is now dead.
the wt and the memorial program can be downloaded on the link below.. .
through his organization have i found.
What a beautiful memorial about her.
She truly believed in Jah God and his promises and lived her life accordingly.
I do not have any faith in the WT org today, but I firmly believe that Jah will not forget her in the resurrection.