We have already been to the convention.
The new book: "Worship the Only True God" is a remake of the old book: "United in Worship of the Only True God".
When the announcement was made at the convention, it was introduced as a "simplified" version.
The three (3) chapters not included from the old book are:
Chapter 14- "I make a Covenant With You for a Kingdom"
( probably to change their doctrine on the 144,000 and
Christ's Rulership date)
Chapter 19- "What the Mosaic Law Means to You"
(they alreadly flipped-flopped on military service-
saying compulsory service is ok for JWs)
Chapter 20- "Life and Blood-Do You Treat Them as Sacred?"
(they already changed on the blood issue, saying its
ok to transfuse certain components, etc).
I did not get a chance to look at all the chapters in the new book, but of the ones I did notice that they changed some paragraphs around, added or deleted some scriptures. But the book looks basically the same as the old except for the deletion of the above chapters.