Topics Started by Roo
Noidea and Myself's mother just passed away
by Tinkerbell4125 ini just got off the phone with carla.
carla and paula's mother has just passed away.
carla said that paula had been checking her post on and off all through the night and that it gave her much comfort in knowing that so many replied and showed that they cared.
What is Your Personality Type?
by Robdar inwhat is your personality type?
take one of the tests below and then post your results.
i have taken this type of test many times.
by xenawarrior inglad you had a wonderful trip!!!
happy birthday on monday!!!!!!
many hugs-welcome home .
by minimus ini was raised with a bookbag in my hand.
every saturday and sunday our family was out in service.i vacation, temporary and auxillary and regular pioneered.
i never enjoyed it but did it because i was supposed to do it.
Happy Chinese New Year Horses!
by Valis inwhat chinese sign are you?
if you don't know, you should be able to find out at this url.
don't forget to let us know!.
My story...well part of it anyway
by kenny2 init has occurred to me that ive been here long enough and have met many of you whose company i really appreciate.
i see people come in since i have been here and am inspired and impressed at the courage they have for giving their stories, their experiences and the freedoms they now have paid for by a cost that only a cult survivor can really appreciate.. so with that inspiration, here is my story.... i have very little memory of before i was 5. i do remember christmas morning one year to wake up to a ton of toys and that was cool.
i remember having my stomach pumped once because i got into some kerosene and thought id pour myself a glass.
Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
by Lee Elder in2. you are an inactive publisher and a member of a congregation.. 3. you are an inactive publisher for over 7 years and the congregation.
any congregation.
(this is a pretty good place to be).. 4. you are an inactive publisher for over 7 years and the congregation.
who do you know died because of blood issue?
by target ini just can't believe that i underwent major surgery twice and signed papers that i would not take blood.
i shudder to think what would have happened had my only child faced such a situation.
i'm amazed at my past stupidity.. i knew a young sister who lost her new husband when he needed blood after a car accident.
I just got taken!!! Grrrr!
by Billygoat ini started a new job last january with a fairly young company.
within just a few weeks, i realized this was a pretty good company to work for.
they pay well, bennies are good, senior management is pretty decent, future looks secure, etc.