I HATED making sheperding calls for two reasons.....
One, I disliked sticking my nose is another person's business. There I was a young, twenty-somthing elder listening to a couple on the verge of divorce or someone else who had a drinking problem or some other serious problem. WTF???? They didn't want your advice. They knew we weren't trained to help people with these types of serious problems. Then, to top it off, you'd give them stupid advice (i.e. make the meetings, study as a family, put Jehovah first, etc..)
Two, I quickly grew tired of spending my evenings with crazy people. Most JWs have serious metal problems and here I was (after working all day) having to sit down with them, listen to them bitch and complain - then listen to some wacked-out idea they have. Then, to top it off, I'd give them stupid advice (i.e. make the meetings, study as a family, put Jehovah first, etc...)