Great to have you here, Winston!
i just wanted to say hi to the group here.. been baptized for 15 years now.
my wife has been baptized for a little less than that time period.. been an aux poi., reg pio, ms. wife is a reg pio currently.
now im just a lowly publisher :d. have had many doubts over the years on small matters.
Great to have you here, Winston!
what makes you tick?
how do you get through the day, folks?.
or is life so great that you just go with the flow?.
What makes you tick? How do you get through the day, folks?
Or is life so great that you just go with the flow?
so this guy came to town last march from jolly olde england...we called him trucker, truck, amongst other unpleasantries.
he was a quiet one, mostly observing and sometimes addingto good conversation...drinking, eating, laughing, smiling and winking once in a while....well...near the end of the festivities there were a couple of items left on his agenda and the apostates had scattered back to the four corners... well, we made plans, and really, looking at him and me, one wouldn't think we had too much in common, or that there would be enough mutual interest to keep us talking.
i picked him up from the hotel in the morn and he was really jonesing for a tiffin, so catholic school girl and i took him to my place where he served us a right english tea, even if the tea was crappy...naturally i was not prepared, if it had only been beer he wanted...oops..anyway, i digress...his agenda included hitting downtown and the sights...we spent several hours doing that and talking the whole time...we actually had a lot in common and thought along the same lines on many things...after seeing the sights, we headed for a pub and a pint..i went to work a bit later and then found him waiting quietly and patiently for me afterwards....we went back to my house to see what you hooligans were typing, killed the wheat beer pr_capone had so lovingly provided, and he went home for his final respite in big d...deaming of apostate fun all round mateys....well its been a while since march, but it feels like only yesterday i was imbibing fine spiritual food and yummy steak with many of my fine colleagues...good times...good times...well lo an beyold mates...whot's in ye olde post frum royal mail taday?
What are "The Wurzels" anyway? Ex-JW's who once wur zelous?
in the movie 'my blue heaven' steve martin's charactor claims, "everyone thinks they have a sense of humor, even when they don't!
" do you laugh easily and often?
i am always looking for new material and have about 150 jokes at my disposal.
XJ-DUBYA...Manipulate me anyway you wish! As for that Ballistic guy...Does he have a sense of humour? Only time will tell...!
in the movie 'my blue heaven' steve martin's charactor claims, "everyone thinks they have a sense of humor, even when they don't!
" do you laugh easily and often?
i am always looking for new material and have about 150 jokes at my disposal.
Hey, XJW12 and a half, oh chaterring one, how do you make yourself, well, chatter, eh, if it's not too personal...!
in the movie 'my blue heaven' steve martin's charactor claims, "everyone thinks they have a sense of humor, even when they don't!
" do you laugh easily and often?
i am always looking for new material and have about 150 jokes at my disposal.
Having a sense of humour is one of the best ways to make friends and make them happy. So I must have a sense of humour. Either that or they are after my money. Or my six wives. I hope it isn't the wives; they cost too much, and anyway, they always laugh at my jokes.
i never really post here, but i read all the time.
i need to vent to someone and who better to vent to then all of you?
a little bit of background info.
Check out Matthew 12:1-12
Hey, thanks DJ! That could prove pretty useful to show a JW that preserving life is No.1, even if an action appears to go against scripture. Thanks!
i was always taught in the jw religion, that humans have really only been on earth for 5000 years or so... there is so much evidence of the neandertherdal people, with scientists finding many skulls, bones, & such, but scientists date these bones 100 thousand-millions of years old... the society used to always add that carbon dating is not accurate.
i also noticed that jws never talked about the dinosaurs much... what do you think??????
---- kristine
You've got it all wrong, folks! OF COURSE the few old men who promulgated this nonsense back in Biblical times knew more about anthropology and science in general than today's scientists! Carbon dating, electron microscopes, computers...what a load of unreliable CRAP! Give me an imaginary friend who talks to me inside my head, jumbled chronology and, well, good old guesswork anytime!
may you all have peace!.
i had opportunity yesterday, to peruse the thread entitled, "john 1:1 - good information" and there were some very... ummmm... "intriguing" responses.
some were very close to what is true; others, pure speculation.
Undisfellowshipped and Aguest,
Well, what do we have here? Two Christians arguing over what is interpreted correctly or incorrectly? There must be a reason why, wouldn't
you both agree? How about this. Please don't ignore it. Study it! :
dear sword of jah, .
please explain to me this watchtower doctrine, which still stands today as a revealed truth from the faithful and discreet slave class revealed in 1935 still taught today: .
judge rutherford, representing the watchtower society announced in 1935 in a convention that the doors to heaven were shut down in 1935, and the gathering of the annointed class was accomplished in 1935. .
SwordOfJah! Can you please clarify?
Are you:
A. A complete and utter bullshitter, pretending to be adherent to Watchtower
policies and beliefs.
B. An on-the-fence JW, "testing the water".
C. Just another braindead, cerebrally-vacuous victim of the Watchtower?