I was at that 1969 Vancouver assembly. Although I was only 7 at the time,
there are still many vivid memories burned into my mind. Such as:
-Travelling 1000 miles in a 1969 Ford Custom 500 with 8 people. All of the
luggage was in a roof rack.
- Sleeping in a tent for the whole time. At 7, I thought that was pretty cool.
But, I don't imagine my mother or older sisters were too thrilled.
- Buying a fudgesycle at the concession stand at Empire Stadium and finding
a ball bearing in it. (Were you at Empire Stadium or the Pacific Colloseum?)
- Having the option of standing or sitting during the songs. About every 20th
person stood, making them look very pious.
- Crying during the closing song, because it was all over.
And biggest of all, next to the stadium, the PNE (Pacific National Exhibition)
was running during the assembly. How could they do that to us?
By the way, a sister was killed at that assembly while taking a short cut accross
the path of one of the rides next door.