In the last congregation that I frequented, on two separate occasions, and two different elders, I was told to do what they said, whether they were right or wrong! This brought some ridicule in answer, from my lips. The Elders said to do otherwise is to go against Jehovah. I persisted in not accepting their actions when they were blatantly wrong. But they made you feel as if you were going against Jehovah (a very clever ploy that they use on many occasions).
One instance from the Bible that answered this nonsense, was the time that David was in the tent, when King Saul was asleep, David stole his drinking vessel and spear, he then shouted down from the nearest hilltop, what he had done and ridiculed Saul in the sight of his followers, eventhough he knew that Saul was anointed by Jehovah, this must have been humilating for Saul as he was the "Utimate Elder" But we do not see in the Bible, any counsel directed at David for these actions. David certainly didn't take notice of Saul (Jehovah's anointed) on ALL occasions!
I wonder how many others have come across this sort of reasoning from Elders (or as some refer to themselves as Glorious Ones)