In my last congregation there was too many to tell, but here are just a few!
1. Elders stopping brothers going on to the platform unless dressed in a suit. (i.e. jacket & trousers of same material)
Then many of the elders, doing just that, even when they FIRST announced it, the elder closed in prayer with sports jacket/blazer and trousers (not of same material).
2. Spending £3,500 on a "white elephant" of an air-conditioning unit (which was supposed to be a central heating unit!). Because it didn’t function as a central heating system, they came out with a stupid get-out remark – Never mind, it will keep us cool in the summer. NO ONE was reprimanded, if they had been working for a company they would have got the sack.
3. The "Panorama" program on child abuse.
When I asked for the tape of the chairman’s talk on it, I found out that the elder had given instructions to the sound servant not to record this.
4. Elders lying through their teeth about why I was removed from carrying the microphone. (At this time I was suffering from an exploded disc and was lying on my back for about 4 months). They even wrote to the society, their lying was revealed, but as usual, nothing was done about them.