johnamos Fisherman and SimonSays, it is refreshing to see that there are some out there with comprehension skills.
This, from someone who still thinks there's such a thing as a slave class.
this question is known to be posed by jws to other jws as an acid test of loyalty.
i'm not the first to notice what i'm about to point out and comment accordingly, but today i felt compelled to add a short article on my blog highlighting the new language that governing body member geoffrey jackson supplies as a response.
a person who honestly hesitates to respond with a robust "yes!
johnamos Fisherman and SimonSays, it is refreshing to see that there are some out there with comprehension skills.
This, from someone who still thinks there's such a thing as a slave class.
as much as jesus is not the mediator of mankind but the "mediator" (supposedly a legal term), the watchtower has a similar word game with the word "judge".seems like deborah judged in israel, which, for every one of you apostate or worldly scumbags who don't understand word games, does not mean debora was a judge.
you see, deborah was a "judge".why is that?
because she is not listed on a list of 12 judges.
There were 12 judges in Israel, and Heb 11:32 only mentions four of these.
In mentioning these four, Heb 11:32 adds Samuel and David to the list, "and the [other] prophets".
Heb 11:32 is not a list of judges, it is a sample list of faithful men who, if you continue to read verses 33 and 34 "who through faith..." demonstrated many achievements.
To say that Deborah cannot be classed as a judge because of Heb 11:32 is to misunderstand what Heb 11:32 is saying, and might as well be used to argue that there were actually only four judges.
The scriptures are clear, Deborah is called a judge more than once and Barak is never given that title.
The WT do not follow the Bible but interpret according to their own whim and tradition. This is just one more example of a corrupt teaching where they claim to know better than the Word of God.
*** w77 12/1 p. 723 par. 24 Is Your Advice Hard to Take? ***
"We should never twist texts to serve our own purpose, as Satan did."
Driving Force This play on words "mankind / kind of man", is really pathetic, because it does not work in other languages.
I think Herd is onto something.
He is a MENtal MENace who MANipulates MANy.
We should BOYcott his MENial MANtra's because they are illMANnered MANure.
this question is known to be posed by jws to other jws as an acid test of loyalty.
i'm not the first to notice what i'm about to point out and comment accordingly, but today i felt compelled to add a short article on my blog highlighting the new language that governing body member geoffrey jackson supplies as a response.
a person who honestly hesitates to respond with a robust "yes!
SimonSays: Better email the Pontiff to let him know that he’s mistaken about papal infallibility and worldwide Bishops are liars according to you people.
If the best you can do is say that the Catholic church is more wrong than the GB, then you really have plumbed the depths of credibility.
"Yeah, but.. the Catholic Church is worserer...."
Pitiable defense. Contemptible misdirection.
this question is known to be posed by jws to other jws as an acid test of loyalty.
i'm not the first to notice what i'm about to point out and comment accordingly, but today i felt compelled to add a short article on my blog highlighting the new language that governing body member geoffrey jackson supplies as a response.
a person who honestly hesitates to respond with a robust "yes!
SimonSays The Pope speaks directly with God, and the Bishops are Apostles according to their creed.
No different to JW's.
The GB are prophets: w14 11/15 p. 30 11
"Revelation 11:3 speaks of two witnesses who would prophesy for 1,260 days...
However, true to the words of the prophecy, at the end of the three and a half
days, the two witnesses were brought back to life. Not only were these anointed
ones released from prison but those who remained faithful received a special
appointment from God through their Lord, Jesus Christ. In 1919 they were among
those who were appointed to serve as a "faithful and discreet slave"
to care for the spiritual needs of God's people during the last days."
The GB convey Jehovah's voice, via Jesus: w14 8/15 "Hear Jehovah's Voice Wherever
You Are"
... In effect, Jesus also conveys
Jehovah's voice to us as he directs the congregation through "the faithful
and discreet slave." We need to take this guidance and direction
seriously, for our everlasting life depends on our obedience. 16 Many servants of Jehovah have avoided disaster by listening
to Jehovah during our meetings."
They elevate themselves to the level of Jesus: w10 9/15 p. 23 par. 8 "Your Leader Is One, the Christ"
The anointed and their other sheep companions
recognize that by following the lead
of the modern-day Governing Body, they
are in fact following their Leader, Christ.
Their publications are elevated to the level of the Bible: w08 4/15 p. 7 par. 19
"Elders do not go beyond the things that are written
in the Bible. And by extension, they do
not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the
faithful and discreet slave."
Their words come from Jehovah, not man: w42 1/1 p5 "Those who are convinced that The Watchtower is publishing the opinion or expression of a man should not waste time in looking at it at all, because a man's opinion proves nothing except when that opinion is based wholly upon the Word of God. Those who believe that God uses The Watchtower as a means of communicating to his people, or of calling their attention to his prophecies, should study The Watchtower with thankfulness of heart and give Jehovah God and Christ Jesus all the honor and credit"
To ignore them is to be at odds with God: w11 7/15 p. 28 par. 17 God's Rest—What Is It?
"if we minimized the Bible-based counsel that we receive through the
faithful and discreet slave class,
choosing to follow an independent course, we would be placing ourselves at odds with God's unfolding purpose."
And we should blindly obey them: w13 11/15 p. 20 par. 17
All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we
may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or
The GB would have us believe they are more qualified than the apostles. Not even the Catholic Church are this haughty.
this question is known to be posed by jws to other jws as an acid test of loyalty.
i'm not the first to notice what i'm about to point out and comment accordingly, but today i felt compelled to add a short article on my blog highlighting the new language that governing body member geoffrey jackson supplies as a response.
a person who honestly hesitates to respond with a robust "yes!
Fisherman According to your article, the man was not asked if he was "the faithful and discreet slave." He was asked: " you see yourselves as Jehovah God's spokespeople." He responded (clarifying that the FDS are not God's only spokespeople) that others too in the congregation could act and speak with God's Holy Spirit. He meant that God uses other JW (exclusively) besides the GB.
You missed the word "evidently".
Do you know what it means to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
It means that you speak fully and plainly.
If you have to engage in literary gymnastics to validate something to yourself, then either GJ wasn't speaking the whole truth, or you are anxiously trying to twist things to your fragile belief system.
I suspect both of these are true.
Sounds to me like GJ is not the self-appointed spokesman for God, but you are the self-appointed spokesman for GJ.
i have not been in a position to watch all of the interviews, so i'm sure that i missed a few things.
here is my question.
were either elders or ministerial servants accused of sexually abusing children, or were the accused just lowly r&f publishers or bible studies?
I thought bystander guilt was a personal, moral guilt felt by someone who did not act to prevent something happening when they had the opportunity.
Does you mean it will become a recognised crime?
my jw spies tell me that the kingdom halls are empty compared to how they used to be, since i left 5 years ago.
not saying they're empty because of me though.. is that what you are hearing?.
When we dedicate our lives to Jehovah, there's no going back.
Seems it's different when we dedicate a kingdom hall to Jehovah.
so you have had some kind of supernatural revelation, a personal message from god and some miraculous sign that you have been personally chosen by the almighty, what would you do?.
would you be the same as every other wt'ite, dragging yourself to the meetings, getting your 10 hours in each month, maybe pioneering?.
I think I'm seeing a theme appear
after listening to the hearings of the australian royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, i am no longer content to have simply walked away from the organization.
as a matter of conscience, i do not want my name linked with the organization in any way.
i know this letter has been posted previously, and i thank the author.