6. Registering Kingdom Halls as places of worship and for marriages. Kingdom Halls should be registered as places of worship so that they are exempt from paying business rates.
Posts by Splash
2015-2016-More BOEs just arrived!
by Atlantis inthese boes just arrived!.
.. re: global assistance arrangement for the 2016 service year .
6. Registering Kingdom Halls as places of worship and for marriages. Kingdom Halls should be registered as places of worship so that they are exempt from paying business rates. -
2015-2016-More BOEs just arrived!
by Atlantis inthese boes just arrived!.
.. re: global assistance arrangement for the 2016 service year .
4. Ownership and property trustees. Separate correspondence will be issued in connection with the current ownership arrangements for Kingdom Halls. -
Eight baptism questions?
by JWdaughter indoes an still active jws know if the baptism questions have changed to reflect their recent eagerness to baptize young children?
or do they cajole the kids through the 80 or so questions, not expecting right answers?.
i was never baptised, so i don't know the old drill or if there is a new one.. thanks.. my auto correct doesn't know there were 80 questions!.
The questions were at the back of the Organise book.
Now that book has been replaced it will be good to see which questions have changed.
Jan 2016 study WT attempt to keep control of professed anointed ones, brainwashing in action!
by EndofMysteries ina really great example of wt pulling doctrine out of their heiney that nowhere exists in the scriptures!
when i started waking up to ttatt, i remember in my own reading the tons of scriptures that speak of god, the holy spirit, etc teaching directly.
tons of scriptures that go against the wt doctrine of only able to learn through them.
Blatant and appalling.
Thank you for bringing out yet another example of the GB twisting scripture in order to try to keep their position of power over everyone.
New meeting answer sheet
by Saltheart Foamfollower inhi all - thought you might be interested in the instructions for the answer sheet for the new meeting - full document to follow:-.
"our christian life and ministry meeting answer sheetfor use by meeting chairman for weeks of january 4-25, 2016source material: new world translation of the holy scriptures [nwt] and thewatchtower [w].instructions: these review questions correspond to material found in treasuresfrom gods word.
well in advance, the meeting chairman should ensure that theelder or ministerial servant assigned a part during treasures from gods word willconsider the question and answer for the week.
If you look up 'micromanage' in the dictionary it says "see Watchtower Bible and Tract Society". -
Another Resolution
by truthlover inhas anyone on the board been at the recent meeting where they are asking for more money to help out the co's, insurance and health and travel??
this is supposed to go into a general fund???
they can use it for anything they want..... oh, and also, if you can give more, it would help as many congregations may not be able to give - based on number of pubs in each cong.
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeze every last drop out of them.
What next, a Special Pioneers shoe fund? Oh, but just call it worldwide work.
“Beware of the scribes who want to walk around in robes and want greetings in the marketplaces and front seats in the synagogues and the most prominent places at evening meals. They devour the houses of the widows and for show they make long prayers. These will receive a more severe judgment.” -
If Jehovah's Witnesses were a cereal, what would they be?
by Zoos incult flakes?.
(welcome to the height of intellectual thread topics.
Hopefully they will soon be toast. -
Bygone Days of Old Bethel...
by freemindfade insomething occurred to me last night.
people that made their pilgrimage to jw mecca (bethel) would often be excited about some silly things, i say silly because for those of you who were there or lived near enough to be involved in these things regularly they lost their magic.
i am talking about on tours one of the most memorable things people talked about or looked forward to... lunch.
Which GB member recently complained that some families have been to Disneyland but not to bethel?
What a disconnected twerp.
Watchtower Converts City Centre Office Block In Chelmsford UK
by Petraglyph inthe international property development corporation moves into chelmsford:.
jehovah's witnesses open 500k church in the heart of chelmsford.
"the new kingdom hall is a visible presence right in the city centre.".
Seems fitting that it was designed as a nightclub, what with all the flashing new light these days. -
re construction halts. Go to Berean Pickets
by umbertoecho inmeleti has not been wrong so far.
if anything he can be too cautious.
have a read of his last post on a wt study this week past.
My link (above) to the specific article is working again now.