Posts by Splash
When did the Watchtower start opposing evolution with respect to animals?
by slimboyfat inthe photo-drama of creation (1912) says that god directed the evolution of animals into their current "fixed" forms, but that humans were created directed.
the divine plan of the ages said the same thing.
(various editions late 1800s to early 1900s) the 1898 booklet on evolution opposes the evolution of man but doesn't discuss animal evolution.
The Jan 1885 wt p.7 describes evolution as a device of Satan. -
INSPIRED ERROR: new phrase among JW CO
by wannaexit inthere is no end to their madness.
the co gave a talk on inspired error.
i have never heard of it.
For those who already use the internet, this rant won't stop them.
For the older ones who never use the internet, this won't make any difference.For as long as they look to recruit highly educated/trained people for bethel and their projects, this restriction is easily shown to be hypocritical. This is like telling someone that they must never have a birthday party, but it's ok to go to one if bethel invite you.
To answer the last point, my parents said it wasn't going to be in their lifetime, and they were right. If we follow Jesus then we won't try to guess when it is because there's no way we can know.
I think they are picking up that more and more are waking up to fact that 1914 was a looooong time ago and JW's have been waiting their whole lives, hearing the same old thing.
Only the willfully blind are now choosing to ignore this, and even then the undercurrents of quiet gossip and complaint are pulling them towards reality. -
A nuclear war take place and a 1/3 of the world population is wiped from the face of the earth.
by James Mixon inhow many of you would return to jehovah, wt?
better yet, how many jws would walk???.
i do believe it will happen one day....
freddo But let's say India and Pakistan square up to each other
I think this is more likely.
If the superpowers initiated an attack on each other, there would be enough remaining to strike back.
When it comes to India/Pakistan, neither of these could survive a first strike so would have to strike first.
Either way, running to the Kingdom Hall with an out of date grab bag would not increase your chances of survival.
Waiting in the main auditorium for directions from the Slave would be a long wait.
Who would demonstrate a lack of faith first, by leaving and going back home? -
We missed you at the meetings
by punkofnice ina vomit inducing comment.. i asked why do they have to specify 'meetings'?
they never miss us in tesco or the showcase cinema bar.. in their defence, a friend of mine said: 'that's because the meeting is where they normally would see you.'.
well, if they want to see you they can arrange a meal out or something.
"We missed you at the meetings"
1. What did you learn at the last meeting? Yes, that's why I wasn't there.
2. I find they are so repetitive these days, I only need to come to one each month.
3. I was here, you just were too busy to notice me.
4. So you didn't hear? Oh, no matter...
5. I tend to dial in these days.
Just read this on JW Talk......
by WHATSGOINGON injust saw this on the public area of jwtalk (i am not a member).
here is the link..
such a shame - i do feel for these ones - i just don't know what to say.... wgo.
I joined for a while and to start with I couldn't tell who was being serious and who was being extremely sarcastic.
It turned out that they were all being serious in their total subservience and devotion to the GB.
The hardest comments to read were the ones which attacked WT victims who were looking for support or redress - these were, to a man, seen as satanic.
There's a tremendous amount of fear, denial and mental health issues on those forums.
Interesting day yesterday
by LisaRose ini have started walking every morning for twenty or thirty minutes.
so yesterday i had to work and almost didn't go, but decided to get in a quick ten minute walk.
i don't usually take my phone, but decided to take it, and i was so glad i did because a block from my house i came upon an older chinese man face down on the sidewalk and bleeding profusely from his mouth/face.
Well done for being a good citizen.
I had a Chinese friend who could never get a date. Turns out she had Ed Zachary disease.
Her face looked Ed Zachary like her backside. -
Has anyone tried using gold and metal detectors?
by EdenOne ini'm thinking about trying out a new hobby.
in my country there are plenty of places that are geologically suitable for the presence of gold nuggets.
in fact, several gold mines have been historically explored from the days of the romans until present day.. at the same time, i love archaeology and history and there are many possible unexplored archaeological sites near me that might merit a superficial survey.
I tried it as a youngster, it was good fun sweeping a beach to collect enough coins for my next set of batteries.
To search on any private land you need the owners permission of course, and normally an agreement to split anything you find. Detecting on a known archaeological site needs special permission and probably supervision.
If you need an excuse to get out in the fresh air it can be a nice pastime, but you would soon get into the 'if I was a roman burying my hoard, where would I put it" mentality, looking for ancient natural markers in the landscape.
There is reckoned to be a wealth of hidden treasure in England, by those who buried everything before they left for battle, but never made it back.
If you detect on a soil high in gold dust you might need a certain type of discriminator to only pick up the bigger pieces and not the background noise. I've never done that so wouldn't know.
I found old coins (nothing like Roman though), lead toys, some Victorian stuff and some jewelry.
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
I think for myself at least I'll keep it simple as suggested - a hotspot name but locked with a password. I have a feeling that this will actually catch on! -
An incident was reported to me at a cong near me.
by poopie inthis df persons walks up to the cood and says i would like to give you my reinstatement letter because i have been attending meetings here ,the cood says do not give me that letter i need to observe you first then you can rurn in letter i ask my friend is that something new?
the person only wants to return because they want to speak to there mother and father and siblings so thats the resl reason but now they have to sit and wait for this elder to observe them what hypocrites.
"After offering a prayer without the disfellowshipped one present"...
They really are treated as contagiously diseased individuals, aren't they!
I wonder which other religions or organisations are so abusive to ones they once claimed as brothers and sisters.
Feature request: threaded PM conversations.
by cappytan injust a feature request.
not necessary, however it's just a suggestion.. it'd be nice to have threaded conversations in the private message system so you can see what the person who replies to your message was replying to.. sometimes it's days between messages and you have to go back into your sent folder to find out what they're talking about for context.. just an idea..
Ooh, if we're making requests, a date filter on the search would be awesome!
There are so many threads and so much info on here now, searching for virtually anything brings 100's of results back from up to a decade ago.
To restrict this to the last month/6 months/year would be fantastic!
Thanks for your hard work Simon!