What's up Nathan, angry because you don't know how to contribute to a grown up discussion? Ahhh, poor baby.
Have another tantrum, it makes you look so very clever and mature.
as some of you know, i'm not a witness, but i am the co-author of a series of history book that discuss the watch tower's earliest years.
russell mentions a 'brother' van der ahe as an early days wt evangelist.
we can't identify him.
What's up Nathan, angry because you don't know how to contribute to a grown up discussion? Ahhh, poor baby.
Have another tantrum, it makes you look so very clever and mature.
as some of you know, i'm not a witness, but i am the co-author of a series of history book that discuss the watch tower's earliest years.
russell mentions a 'brother' van der ahe as an early days wt evangelist.
we can't identify him.
As a director of Zions WT, by 1894 This Bro JB Adamson had turned against Bro Russell, publicly accusing him of sexual immorality and quoting 1Cor 5:1-5, denouncing the society as a myth, and printing tracts trying to "expose the errors of Millenial Dawn and Zions WT".
Mrs Adamson was also involved in describing Mrs Russell as haughty.
For this he was called a false brother and enemy of the truth, and the WT printed many letters opposing Bro Adamson and his accusations.
as some of you know, i'm not a witness, but i am the co-author of a series of history book that discuss the watch tower's earliest years.
russell mentions a 'brother' van der ahe as an early days wt evangelist.
we can't identify him.
The only mention of him in the WT magazines up until 1914 is:
w1887 June R940 p.1
"Brothers Van der Ahe, Cain, Grable, Hughes, and Sisters Raynor and Vogel and others are doing remarkably well, and we trust that before next month many others will be doing as much or more."
This was in a comment discussing a Bro Adamson, possibly J.B. Adamson of Greenville Pa., the author of very many letters to and from Bro Russell.
The March 29th 2014 letter to congregations said that more than 13,000 new kingdom halls and 35 assembly halls were needed worldwide.
This was the meeting where they were "confident that Jehovah will provide what is needed by your generous support". Two months later were the worldwide congregation donation arrangements - a monthly tithe.
The 2013-14 yearbook said there were 115,416 congregations worldwide.
The 2015-16 yearbook said there were 119,483 congregations worldwide.
Considering congregations have been consolidating into fewer kingdom halls, how truthful were they when they said they were building 13,000 new ones.
after ban, jehovah’s witnesses in russia harassed by police during religious services.
by jason le miere on 4/25/17 at 4:48 pm .
(NWT 1984 Hebrews 10:25) . . .not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together. . .
bra april 19, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation visitor centre.
visitor information sheet.
Send me your names and I'll see if we can get a party together for a bethel visit 😁
(edit to add: I'm not serious)
so at last nights ministry school we had 2...yes that's right two that had parts and gave them with beards.. i found it interesting.
i thought the consensus was that you couldn't have any extra privileges if you wore one.. maybe the school is different?.
anyway, anybody else seen this in the u.s.?.
*** w54 8/15 p. 511 Questions from Readers ***
As recently as October 7, 1949, the new east window of Stepney Parish Church, the mother church of East London, England, was unveiled by the Earl of Athlone. The photograph of this church window, as published in "The Illustrated London News," October 1, 1949, shows a cross with a young man nailed to it, beardless and with short hair, to represent "Christ crucified, but triumphant."
That window shows Christ on a cross.
Why do the WT use this depiction as an authority to show Christ beardless, but it is not an authority to show him crucified?
WT, as always, deceitfully pick and choose what they want from where they want to support their unscriptural teachings.
i found this interesting bit of news release propaganda by the jws on their website dated april 5, 2017.. "russia's supreme court begins high-profile case against jehovah's witnesses".
my interest was piqued by the jw claim that the court hearing is a "high-profile case".
I wonder if the WT gained permission to use that photo?
__________________i was kidnapped today ____________.
a rainy day in ft. worth is bad news day for terry.
my elective transportation is 100% bicycle and i can get through just about all weather except rain.
A passenger by the name of Henriette Yvois drowned at the age of 24 when the Titanic sunk!
i went with my husband tonight for the first time.
it was pretty appalling how they lied about the 144k and everyone else.
then passing the wine and bread for nothing.
Drearyweather Can you please provide the link or source of the Kingdom Ministry where JW's have mentioned that this would be their last memorial? 2014 and 1970?
KM 2014 03 p.2 Para 4. "Will You Seize the
"Will this Memorial
be our last? (1 Cor. 11: 26) We do not know."
ka (1973) chap. 17 pp. 351-352 par. 43 The
"Slave" Who Lived to See the "Sign"
The Watch Tower, under
date of March 1, 1918, in its first paragraph of the leading article "In
Memory of Our King," said: "Whether the coming Memorial will be the
last on earth, we do not, of course, know; but we do know that we are one year
nearer the full consummation of our hopes."