*** w98 12/1 p. 14 par. 4 Defending Our Faith ***
"The accusation that numerous children of Jehovah’s Witnesses die each year as a result of refusing blood transfusions is totally unfounded."
Posts by Splash
Watchtower Policy Claims Another Teenager
by Lee Elder ina tragic story of how the watchtower unduly influenced or brain washed a 14 year old jehovah's witness into martyrdom.
the real irony here is the synthetic blood that failed was a hemoglobin solution, and red blood cells are nothing but tiny doughnut shaped bags of hemoglobin.
any thinking person will conclude that if red cells are blood, then so is hemoglobin.
Pledge for Global Assistance Arrangement - $15 per publisher!
by nmthinker inlast night our congregation read a letter for the global assistance arrangement combined with the traveling overseer assistance arrangement.
the "recommended" amount was $15 per publisher, which was well over $1000 for our hall.. it seemed steep.
our congregation does not have this type of money.
Marvin Shilmer The one-time congregation bank account raid was nothing short of theft by consent.
It wasn't a one-time bank raid, it is an ongoing bank raid.
Whenever a congregation has more than enough for the coming three months, the surplus has to be sent to the WT. This is verified by the CO when he visits each time, to make sure those pesky congregations don't start saving their own money again.
CO in midwest gets pink-slipped
by LevelThePlayingField ini saw the coordinator heading for the stage and hit record on my ipad.
i was shocked but here it is.
here's my typed transcript of the letter he read:.
So 12 months ago the DO's were either removed or demoted to CO's, now the CO's are going a similar way.
It's like a game of snakes and ladders where most of the ladders are being removed.When someone feels compelled to say "We are all confident of Jehovah's direction by way of the governing body and by way of the branch", it often means the opposite. They have to verbalise this to convince themselves as much as everyone else.
This CO and his wife are doubting the GB's actions.
Couldn't take it anymore.
by Darkknight757 inso i decided yesterday to give my wife's full disclosure.
not sure it was the best decision considering she holds very firmly to the resurrection hope so we can see our babies again.. anyways she is agreeable to begin a study to find a better truth.
where is a good place to go to get some good reliable biblical info on the web that we can consider together?.
Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire.
Take some time out and just be kind Christian people while you take stock of things.
Jesus said to love your neighbour. There's your starting point.
Cooperate Members of the Watchtower Society
by James Jack ina older sister in miami florida has told me that the special pioneer couple who got their walking papers last week said they are also voting members of the watchtower society.
also his stock share is valued at $800,000!.
i did some research and spoke to some longtime witnesses and found out that there are 500 voting members of the society and they are also called shareholders.. has anyone ever of someone selling his share?.
Could they sell their shares to anyone?
That could prove interesting!
Does a brother have to be appointed an MS to be an account servant?
by 4thgen inas many of you know, my ex-husband was removed as an elder for child abuse.
i was told at the time he would never be reappointed in any capacity.
yet i heard today he was appointed as an account servant.
There's also a capability gap in the congregations.
There may be a dozen or so appointed men, but if none of them can count past 10 (or past 12 if the hall is in a remote location) without taking their socks off, you're going to need someone else to do accounts.
We talk a lot about conditional friends on here
by cappytan inso, when people post about being shunned by their friends, i've heard several posters say things like, "their friendship is conditional.
real friendships aren't conditional.".
i'm sorry, but that just isn't really true.. if you and i were friends, there are conditions.
Friends normally decide for themselves what constitutes violating a friendship.
With JW's that decision is made for them, and even when those conditions are NOT met, the friendship can end 'just to be safe'.When someone is having a difficult experience, normally their friends help out, not rat them out.
They're a suspicious bunch, them there JW's.I think most JW's don't have real friends, only a facade of friendship that from day 1 is mutually understood to be with limits and conditions.
It's official - JWs have least common sense of any religious group in US
by slimboyfat insome fascinating results in the latest pew research.
(how did i miss this before?
) including that jws rely on their religion the most of any group to tell right from wrong and rely on common sense the least.
According to the trends, JW's are getting older, use less common sense and are getting poorer compared to 7 years ago. Specifically, 18-49 year olds are declining and 50+ are increasing.
As the group ages, the number of parents who have children under 18 is also reducing. This indicates the young families are drying up.
Men are on the decline, with women growing as a %ge.
As a group, the number of whites is dropping, being replaced largely by latinos.
Interestingly there continues to be an equal split between JW's who believe the Bible should be taken literally, and JW's who believe that not everything in the Bible should be taken literally. If JW's can't even agree on this basic thing then the GB have failed entirely in their role of 'steward'.
There is a slight growth in those who think homosexuality should be accepted, from 12% to 16%.
The big deal about masturbation / Deaf Video by the WTB&TS
by smiddy inby all accounts this video has gone viral on the internet ,generating much discussion as to the appropriateness or not, of this subject in a religous forum for the deaf people,which can also be veiwed by anybody else on the official website , jw.orb....deaf sign language....gods way is love.....scroll down to #22 and their you have it.
why did they do it in the first place.. the bible in christendom is generally accepted as being 66 books in total in protestant circles , catholic , eastern orthodox , etc .have a few more that they may refer to.
these writings are in general accepted as the inspired word of god given to his people over a period of some thousands of years .. in all these inspired writings over thousands of years has their ever been anything specifily stated ,condemning masturbation as a sin or anything wrong about it .. if the almighty god didn`t see the need to comment on the subject who are the wtb&ts to make a video about it .. and lets look at a few facts here:.
The reason I'm digging this topic back up is because I came across a WT article which seems to suggest that pubescent girls should masturbate to control their urges!
Am I reading this wrong?
*** w61 12/15 pp. 767-768 Questions From Readers ***
How can girls guard against temptation in this sex-crazy world?
When a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind...
As with a cow, when a young girl who has reached her puberty is in physical condition to conceive and become pregnant, her sex emotions are greatly aroused...
There are cases where a girl became pregnant as a result of one sex interview with a boy. What a price for a girl, a virgin, to pay for a few minutes of satisfied sex emotions! ... It is high time for girls to understand the make-up of their bodies and its functions, especially with regard to sex. Then if a girl understandingly takes care of herself while the ovum is at large and is causing sex disturbance and cravings within her, she will be able to act like a true lady of irreproachable morals at all times. She will avoid the violating of her virginity and the shame and conscience-stricken state due to this;
Proof of Predation 750 000 000 Years Ago
by cofty inpaleontologists have discovered the cause of small holes that have frequently been observed in ancient eukaryote fossils.
please check out the source even if you only look at the amazing picture.... they were being sucked dry by other predatory species.. forget about a "fall" from a disneyesque utopia.
creatures have been consuming each other since the very beginning of life.. reality is far more exciting than fantasy.
WT says the animals were vegetarian.
*** w94 2/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
...evidence in the Bible points to Adam and Eve’s having been at peace with all animals... Yet, the Bible does not suggest that any of the animals preyed upon other animals or upon humans. Originally, God specifically assigned vegetation as the diet for both animals and humans. That did not change until after the Flood, as Genesis 9:2-5 indicates.