Pom, you and I will have to agree to disagree. I trust the Bible when it says that we have free will and the ability to choose Christ or reject him. Obviously God knows what choice we will make, but to say that the choice is predestined only for a few chosen is to say that we are the puppets of God and that the notion of free will is nothing more than a cosmic joke. True God has control over our lives and can do with us as he pleases for his own purposes, but the Bible is clear that we have the choice to accept Christ or not. We have the responsibility to spread the Gospel to everyone because everyone, not just a chosen few, have to be given the opportunity to believe in Christ. Those who believe in him will have eternal life in heaven, those who reject him will not.
To say that you are "hoping" that you have been chosen to do good is to say that there is no certainty in salvation. By placing your faith in Christ and making him your Lord and Savior you salavation is assured. To those who said "Lord Lord", and who will not get into heaven, Jesus was saying that he knew their heart and they truly did not believe. He was not saying, regardless of your belief I have previously rejected you so it doesn't matter. He was talking about False Prophets who are not doing the will of God he was not talking about predestined rejection. Matt. 7:21
I am not saying that man's will is greater than God's. It obviously is not. But I do believe that in order for God to give us free will so that we are not merely his playthings, he allows us to make that choice, even though he already knows the choice we will make.
The paln for salvation does not depend upon whether God wants it happen or not. He has already set out that plan. He reconciled us to him through Christ and those that believe in him shall have eternal life. I do not understand what you mean that only those that believe the right way will be saved. Please explain that one.
Our free will did not come from the devil. It was a gift from God. He allows us to decide whether we will accept his plan for salvation or not. That is the choice we make. Yes we are born with original sin and we are all sinners that fall short of the glory of God. But we are reconciled through Christ and those that believe in him will get into heaven.
By the way I would like your research on this matter.
Your explaination of Mark is incorrect in an attempt to create a contradiction where one doesn't exist. First, just because mark doesn't start his Gospel with the birth of Christ doesn't mean he didn't know how it occurred or didn't care. Second, he did not create the irony for style purposes or to try and make sure that Jesus' life was lived as it was preordained. He was writing what happened as dictated to him by Peter.
To say that Jesus did not want people to know he was the Son of God so that they would kill him and not love him is silly. He was killed because he was proclaimed to be the Son of God. He was a threat to the established religion and when he gained a following by proclaiming that he was God, he was killed. Look at Mark 6:60 and Matt. 26: 62 where Jesus is being questioned by the high priest. the priest asked him if he is the living Christ, the Son of God. When Jesus answers he is, he is accused of blashphemy and found worthy to die which could only be carried out by the Roman government.
The irony is in the events, not in the making up of stories to fulfill scripture.
God Bless