Also in the same boat. I think my wife is actually doing more jw related activities to try and counter-act my fade.
It is extremely frustrating. Keep in mind Billy's recent advice about 'anger management'. Something I need to work on for sure.
jdubs are fond of quoting peter "where are we to go lord"... well the answer for me has been this forum for last couple of years which is really sad because i should be able to talk to my lifelong friends instead of faceless avatars.
( don't get me wrong this place has helped me through some really rough times mentally kudos to terry, cedars,slimboyfat, blondie,jwfacts and many others.).
the shun gun has prevented me from making the move completely out of this cult i have given my life to.
Also in the same boat. I think my wife is actually doing more jw related activities to try and counter-act my fade.
It is extremely frustrating. Keep in mind Billy's recent advice about 'anger management'. Something I need to work on for sure.
we translate into all these languages.
even the ones that may seem small, like the blackfoot native american.
and when we go and take the message to them they just cant believe this is in their mother tongue.
Apparently there was also a lot of encouragement to go to 3rd world countries where the need is greater (and you will experience more joy) but you have to count the cost (foot the bill yourself). No help from WTBT$. Nada. Nic. So strange since the work is so urgent. Couldn't they devote some of the funds from recent property sales in Brooklyn to sponsor a few families in Ecuador or Botswana? Really, how much would that even cost?
even then it will be just be a sunday to see if the fall off come true, or not.. heck this year and next will probally just enough to make it look like i showed up for it.
thankfully i live around the city it's held in i so it's not a huge sacrafice..
I missed last year, and woud like to miss this year, but may end up going on Saturday just to hear the 'Apostate' talks first hand.
man, its nice to be free.
what did you do today instead?.
I spent some time cleaning up the yard. We have 5 dogs of various sizes and although I have a big yard, it needs to be done frequently. The dung beetles can only process so much. But even this task is more enjoyable than having to attend a meeting. My wife told me today they saw a 'wonderful' film presented by the CO about the translation work - with guest/cameo appearance from G. Jackson of GB fame.
are they warm?.
do they view you as an apostate?.
(generally, most witnesses are quite nice to me)..
Obviously, I have been marked by the 'holier' ones at the hall. On the rare occasion I go, I get the usual - we missed you Friday night thing from a few and the rest apparently don't even see me.
One young brother asked me if I had prayed for a different job so I wouldn't miss so many meetings. I told him that I thanked JHVH everday that I have the job I do (can work from home, make 4 times the average national salary, it is interesting, etc). We have the CO this week, so I know the wife will be on me to at least go Sunday. This CO is a real company man. I swear the last time he was there, he looked directly at me with a cold, dead stare as he tried to drive home the point that we need to obey the GB.
As a few others mentioned: no big loss for me. There are some nice people at the hall, but there are lots of nice people outside the hall too! I don't need their conditional love/friendship and I don't have any family in except the wife.
a real dwelling for the faithful.
dwelling for his name people today?
8, 9. in what ways did jehovah prove to be a. real dwelling for jacob, and what can we learn.
My favorite quote from paragraph 11:
They were men of principle who did not depend on a long list
of dos and don’ts to guide them. What
they knew about Jehovah and his personality was
sufficient for them.
They forgot to add: But, Jehovah's servants are not like that today. We need a long list of dos and don'ts and we need someone (GB) to explain it to us.
Of course, nobody made a comment about this part of the paragraph and the conductor avoided it too.
what happens when jehovah's witnesses think independently?
what happened to adam when he sinned?
since when is independent thinking equivalent to disobedience?.
Can't tell you how often recently I have heard the comment that I think 'too much'. I thought Proverbs highly regarded 'thinking ability'.
Are they against thinking? What exactly does 'independent thinking' mean? Is there an opposite to this: what is dependent thinking or independent non-thinking. is it dependent, non-thinking?
symposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
So if I have to go for one day, Saturday (the Apostate day) would be the one? I will recheck the schedule, but from what I recall, Saturday was 'apostate day'. Perhaps that could become another 'evil day like 'Mother's Day'...
by 'actively vocal', i do not mean openly criticising the articles and pointing out the inconsistencies or flipflops (not footwear, reversals).
i do mean letting people know that you're finding it hard to understand the new truth, and the fact that there is therefore old truth, or falsities, (is that a word?
it is now), therefore if there are falsehoods (that's the word, of course), then that puts into doubt the extent of jah's involvement in the preparation/dissemination of it all... (and making it clear you're not saying they aren't gods prophets on earth, just that you're not sure, don't know).. the reason i ask is cos i'm finding it hard to completely fade without an external reason.
I am going to use it big time! My situation is a bit different though because only my wife is still in. I have NO family in the 'truth'. So, why am I even still pretending? My wife will be shocked to see my WT so well studied (marked up). I will ask her point blank if what was covered makes any sense at all after each study. Can't wait to see Blondie's pre-study notes and all the comments here.
I don't do service now and rarely go to a meeting. After we finish that study wt, I am done. I'm not sure I can even make it thru the whole thing without standing up and shouting: this is all nonsense. I'm outta here!
this is really becoming one of my biggest pet peeves.
jws use the word spiritual to describe anyone who goes out in service weekly, holds a congregation position, has privledges, in good standing etc, meanwhile this person can be rude, manipulating, or just plain evil and jws will gush about how spiritual they are.
on the other hand you can have someone sincerely trying to be christlike, manifesting good qualities and kind, helping others out, but if they dont have privleges, pioneer, ms, elder, or dosent comment at the kh, or does not attend enough, that person is not "spiritual" to a jw!
Other signs of WT-approved spirituality:
1. Regular commenting at meetings. But only WT-approved type comments - stick to the script!
2. Massively highlighted WT study article. The more colors the better (one for each time you studied the material)
3. A clean car.
4. All get togethers must involve singing KM songs.
I was pondering his very issue BU2B last Friday as I was riding my bike thru the forest just before sunset listening to the birds sing. I compared how I felt at that moment with how I would feel if I was at the Service Meeting with my wife like a good dub. Of course, if a branch from an old tree had fallen on me and killed me, the dubs would say: see if he was more spiritual (at the meeting) that would not have happened!