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Pretty damn funny...
To enlarge/magnify while viewing just do the 'Ctrl+' thing (at least with Firefox)
Pretty damn funny...
he decided to take me somewhere nice in the country for a day instead, and when he suggested it last night i was amazed that he would have even thought of missing the meeting!
he was one of those guys who only missed a meeting, literally, if he had a spinal injury and couldn't move!.
but, i've been sharing a little of the ttatt with him, teensy tiny bits that i can substantiate from the bible or other reputable sources.
Julia, great job. Don't forget the reward factor. My wife already suggested that next Saturday we will do X ( instead of her going in service). I intend to reward her choice in many ways... We have already mapped out some trips we would like to make when the weather gets warmer here (in Poland). Provide the opportunity to do something else.
we had to go off grid for a time, time and half a time as we thought we had been outed.
fortunately it was a false alarm, but it was a stressful time.
i asked for my original diary thread to be deleted in case there could be anything on there to identlfy mrs smith and i. i am always very careful when posting, and am sure there was nothing on there, but felt it best to have it removed in order to be as cautious as a dove.
Count your blessings. Perhaps they are afraid of you...
brothers would full on laugh at the c.o's lame jokes.
fight over who gets him for dinner where no expense would be speared..."oh they dont eat flour, sugars or milk products...".
The current dude is a snake. He was actually giving me the evil eye at his last visit when he was talking about "obey, no questions asked.." Before that, best CO I ever had, even after 30+ years in the states. This guy (Pawel P) and his wife were the real thing. Very warm, nothing fake.
Worst case I remember from states: CO needed new car. No problem, except he wanted a new Mercedes. He got it. And then, promptly quit the circuit work to sell vitamins/health care. Somehow he went from Brother Lett, to Doctor Lett. Central Florida, early 80's? I think he got arrested at some point. He gave great talks, but didn't do the walk.
I also remember many of the Elders in Frederick MD complaining about one CO that pressured them into supporting his MLM business selling some type of telecom service. Did not go down well....
view of money and pride?.
I found the first sentence in paragraph 14 especially annoying.
Certain eagles are reported to have drowned when they did not release
from their talons a fish that was too heavy to carry off.
Who writes this stuff? Are they trying to protect the identity of those eagles or perhaps just
shield their families from the shame?
a friend, non-jw, went to convention today.
she observed about 1/3 baptized were youth.. ***********************************************.
i read article:.
NVR2L8 - please tell me you are kidding? Don't they know ahead of time how many are scheduled to get dunked? Did they just give the talk and skip the questions? I almost feel bad for the brother who had to give that part. On the otherhand, karma/payback can be a bitch... That would be so funny to see some wannabe up-and-comer giving a talk to nobody for nobody, all the time maintaining that smug-ass fake warm/smiley face!
read this lovely little admission and judge for yourself: .
there is a differencea big differencebetween education and propaganda.
education shows you how to think.
00DAD, I didn't intend to lie about the source of the material (but thanks for the link!) only my motivation for researching the topic to begin with. Either way, I guess that still makes me a liar. And now I feel bad.... (not really)
read this lovely little admission and judge for yourself: .
there is a differencea big differencebetween education and propaganda.
education shows you how to think.
Excellent find! Thank you very much. I will be using this info ASAP. In response to how did you find this, I will say I was researching 'education' on the WT CD lib. Imagine if we had congregations where people actually discuused stuff like we do here. I would actually want to go to those meetings.
i am a long time lurker who has finally decided to post.
i am still in along with my wife, kids and extended family.
i am in my 40s and was raised in the org.
Witam! Enjoy the ride....
can anybody here from australia fill me in on this guy?
i did the search thing and the only thing i could find seemed to imply that he had been shipped off here to poland to avoid problems there.
i talked to him at a ca in warsaw and he seemed kind of 'off'... it also seemed to me that he had lots of 'handlers'.
Can anybody here from Australia fill me in on this guy? I did the search thing and the only thing I could find seemed to imply that he had been shipped off here to Poland to avoid problems there. I talked to him at a CA in Warsaw and he seemed kind of 'off'... It also seemed to me that he had lots of 'handlers'. His talks sucked - very smarmy (if that is a word).
I see him as potential GB material (in the manner of Morris the III)