Nothing unusual here. Nightmares are quite common with children. No need to resort to the supernatural to explain this.I didn't resort to the "supernatural" to explain this.
Still nothing strange here. At worst you may have had some type of sleeping disorder.I didn't say that I didn't have a sleeping disorder.
Your friend should have suggested you go to a doctor if this is affecting your life. There is no evidence that there is anything supernatural about OBE's or the type of sleep behavior you are describing.I didn't say that he didn't recommend that I see a doctor in addition to the advice that I mentioned here. Anyway, I can't help the advice that my friend gave me. No matter what he should've said, he said what he said.
BTW, there is no evidence that there isn't anything supernatural about the type of sleep behavior I'm describing, either. I'm just telling Nemesis that this kind of thing is, if nothing else, interesting stuff to read about...and something he may want to look into.
Not everything, but that doesn't mean that everything is a mystery either. There is a lot of factual evidence and a lot of pseudoscience out there. The trick is learning to discriminate between the two. It's all about requiring a higher standard of evidence before you put your belief in claims.
Exactly. Perhaps you should follow your own advice.
I didn't say that I believe in OBEs or what have you, but I am open to the idea that such things may exist. Completely putting your belief into something and simply believing in the possibility of something are two totally different things. I believe in the possibility. If you choose not to, then that is your choice.
Maybe (obviously) I should've made it clearer in my previous post that...yes...(I suppose I neglected to say that) I do believe that seeing a doctor would be the most important thing to do about your situation. I was just giving you another avenue to explore. There are lots of reading you can do about sleeping disorders or spirits, etc via the library and the internet. I hope everything works out for you.
**edited because I'm illiterate and had to consult to write this thing right